Is this the end of Retrospectacle and Omni Brain?

Yes... and no. Shelley isn't going to be keeping up with Retrospectacle anymore, nor is Steve going to keep blogging away at Omni Brain, but the two of them are going to team-up to bring us a new super blog! There's just one problem; they need a name. If you've got some ideas head to either of the links I just provided and post your idea in the comments. Whoever comes up with the chosen moniker will get a bunch of cool swag in addition to the love and adulation of Shelley & Steve.

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How about Retro-Omni?

No, that sounds like a tricked-out Dodge subcompact (is that what Omnivores eat?)

How about Retro-Brain?

No, that sounds like an IDiot Cretinist (sorry, creationist) blog.



Wait, I've got it. "OmniSpectacle"?

No. That sounds like the same car with a presciption windshield.

I give up.

Multi-author blogs seem to be the in thing these days.