Peachy novel treatment to prevent breast cancer metastasis

I just read a really neat study from researchers at Texas A&M University. While admittedly this is not comparative physiology, it was just too interesting not to share.

In a study published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, Dr. Luis Cisneros-Zevallos and colleagues found that administering peach extract to mice inhibited the metastasis (i.e. spread) of breast cancer to other organs, namely the lungs. They attribute this effect to the mix of phenolic compounds in the extract. The dose administered to the mice is equivalent to consuming 2-3 peaches for a human.

In prior work, Dr. Cisneros-Zavallos and his research team found that polyphenols from peaches and plums were able to selectively kill aggressive breast cancer cells without harming normal healthy cells.

These findings are a big deal because, according to Dr. Cisneros-Zavallos, the high mortality associated with breast cancer as well as many of its complications are related to metastasis. In a quote from a press release, Dr. Cisneros-Zavallos stated, “We are enthusiastic about the idea that perhaps by consuming only two to three peaches a day we can obtain similar effects in humans. However, this will have to be the next step in the study for its confirmation.”

Texas A&M Press Release

Norattoa G, Porterb W, Byrnea D, Cisneros-Zevallosa L. Polyphenolics from peach (Prunus persica var. Rich Lady) inhibit tumor growth and metastasis of MDA-MB-435 breast cancer cells in vivo. J Nutr Biochem., In Press.

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I'll go along...but let's not forget Laetrile. That was apricot pits. We need good science going forward on this.

By BobFromLI (not verified) on 28 Mar 2014 #permalink

From the press release:

"The work documenting the health benefits of stone fruit has been supported by the Vegetable and Fruit Improvement Center at Texas A&M, the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the California Tree Fruit Agreement."

3 peaches a day, that's all we ask.

Notice the choice of breast cancer, arguably one of the most well-funded cancers in America (in terms of research funding) (from

Laetrile, anyone?

E. Nizere (14128846)

I think it's time to revise the old saying. It should be "A peach or 3 a day keeps the doctor away"

I can't help but fight the feeling that cancer prevention lies in the food we eat. I mean when we look at the surge in cancer cases it does tend to coincide with increased consumption and reliance on heavily processed foods to meet our Dietary needs.
I think the study should focus on the effectiveness of the peaches when they are organically grown or a result of genetically modifies strains of the peach.

By Emelina Nizere (not verified) on 16 Apr 2014 #permalink

This blog has captured my attention as I have come across the subject of breast cancer a few times before. The statistics are horrifying and it would be wonderful to someday put an end to breast cancer and cancer as a whole.
Mortality rates in breast cancer are shocking. I have read that that breast cancer alone caused 458,503 deaths worldwide in 2008. That’s 458,503 lives lost in just one year.
Currently breast cancer is treated in various ways, starting with different types of surgery, followed by chemotherapy or radiation, which is very harmful to the body.
Will peaches then be used to prevent breast cancer? Or will they be used to fight and kill it, as I assume Dr. Cisneros-Zavallos’s research suggests?

By Clarissa Minnaar (not verified) on 29 Apr 2014 #permalink

I agree! Would be great to put an end to cancer and why not start with breast cancer.

Lost my mother to breast cancer. Chemo and radiation definitely takes its toll one ones body.

Peaches could be a wonderful way to treat cancer if it works, peaches are good for you and your body, no harm done!

It is amazing to see such progress being made into finding a cure for cancer, because it affects so many people and is becoming more and more common in our daily lives. Peach polyphenols that are used for this treatment are, compounds that help plants ward off the damaging effects of the sun’s ultraviolet radiation.There are several studies showing that these compounds act as antioxidants and can therefore protect DNA against damage that can produce cancer. This new treatment will perhaps bring a decrease in cancer related deaths , because it is more natural and thus more affordable for people.

By Jana De Jager … (not verified) on 02 May 2014 #permalink

One step closer to a cure for breast cancer. Wow, I hope we can find more natural ways like these for all other times of cancer as well. Cancer is a big destroyer of families everywhere around the world.
This all just makes me wonder why we have not gone to treatment of illnesses and diseases by natural ways earlier?
I would just like to know, are the peaches that they are talking about in the research just your naturally grown organic peaches without any aid to make it grow faster/bigger or get ripe faster or does it include mass produces peaches that temd to have chemicals in them that decreases the quality of nutritian gained by the peach when eating it?

By Marelize Vermeulen (not verified) on 03 May 2014 #permalink

Wow,it is a great discovery on breast cancer as we have lost a lot of people because of breast cancer. Peaches are amazing because they are easily accessible and most women can be able to afford them unlike the usual treatments they have to undergo or they may simply plant them in their homes. They are tasty with no side effects. Although there are some people who are allergic to peaches ( fruit pollen syndrome ), I hope there is a solution that food scientists can do to help them too. I would like to know if peach juice also has the same effect? If so then allergic people can drink that instead of eating them. With that I would like to believe that in the near future cancer cases will be decreasing Rapidly.

By u14138060 (not verified) on 03 May 2014 #permalink

By far one of the easiest piece of health advice that I can follow! But with all of the genetically modified fruits and vegetables that we are exposed to will there be specialized peaches with enhanced volumes of polyphenols? And will this be safe for children to consume? Great article. I can't wait for more research to be done.

By Warindi Kebera… (not verified) on 04 May 2014 #permalink

u13123123 What exaclty in these peaches prevents the spread of cancer?

By u13123123 Mapu… (not verified) on 04 May 2014 #permalink