P-Dichlorobenzene (Stinky aromatics)

Para-dichlorobenzene is the principal molecule found in mothballs. We used to use naphthalene, but these days, we've switched. I suspect neither may be particularly healthy, and I suspect that you wouldn't have much luck getting such a product on the market these days, but mothballs have been around for ages.



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I think mothballs are still naphthalene - p-dichlorobenzene is sold as moth flakes, and is used by bee-keepers to keep the dreaded wax-moths from invading unattended honeycomb.

By Alfred Russel … (not verified) on 14 Nov 2006 #permalink

The New England Journal of Medicine (355;4, p.423, july 27 2006) article on the mothball sniffing/chewing specifically states that the mothballs involved do contain para-dichlorobenzene.

By syregnask (not verified) on 15 Nov 2006 #permalink