SciWo's Storytime: Terrible, horrible, no good, very bad days

i-9dc84d4d9156dccb30d5f62466b4219a-swblocks.jpgThis week we are reading Judith Viorst's Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. This video was produced with a dedication to Kate, who explained to me why kids like this book so much even before they understand everything that's happening in it. She wisely told me that it's because kids rarely get to hear a story about a kid getting really mad, expressing their feelings, and without a neat fairy-tale or moralistic ending. Alexander just has a terrible, horrible, no good very bad day, and he's not afraid to tell us about it.

I'd also like to dedicate this post to all of my friends who've had terrible, horrible no good, very bad days in the past few weeks.

  • To A, who made a hard, but right decision,
  • To A, who had hir Thanksgiving plans turned topsy-turvy,
  • To B, who needs hir advisor just to help hir for once for crying-out-loud,
  • To C, who just needs some stinkin' data,
  • To C, who is facing yet another round of surgery and recovery,
  • To J, who needs in-laws that appreciate hir wonderful cookery,
  • To K, who put hirself in a tight spot by fighting for the thing zie knew was right,
  • To K, who is trying to figure out how to help a friend, while taking care of hirself,
  • To L, who fears for hir job and hir career,
  • To M and S, who were too sick to enjoy the day of feasting
  • To P, who is facing so much loss right now,
  • To S, who deserves more thanks for the wonderful job zie does caring for hir family, and
  • To everyone who's family dinner was less than idyllic yesterday.

Hopefully by talking about our big and small troubles, supporting each other through them, and offering the respite of compassionate friendship, we can help make things a little bit easier and kinder for everyone. As for Minnow and I, we're having very good days, thanks in no small part to knowing we have a network of supportive friends and family. Thanks to all of you for being part of that.

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When my older daughter was 2, she picked a small book off the shelf of a bookstore and insisted I buy it on the basis of the cover picture. It was called "Bad Mood Bear" and we read it together until the cover fell off.

I love how well-used that copy of the book looks. (And that's one of my all-time favorite kids' books.)

My labmates and I actually read this book aloud not too long ago - each of us hit a rough patch in 2009, and we just needed to decompress. This book came up in a conversation, one labmate checked it out of the library, and another labmate (who has the greatest reading voice) read it to a captivated audience. Even 20- and 30-somethings can relate! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

I can so identify with Alexander. I love this book, and my 4 year old does, too. (And he adores that his own brother shares a name with one of Alexander's brothers!) A good friend gave it to us and now I also give it as a birthday gift to his little school buddies. (My other fave gift book is Elise Broach's "When Dinosaurs Came with Everything")

Big, big smile :). I almost made this video for you with my daughter, actually! I'm really glad you did this one.

Thanks so much for this. It was one of my favorite books as a kid, and I have yet to get a copy for Lucas. That oversight will be corrected soon! :)