Pseudoscience in the Press of the Past | 07/23/2007 - Physiognomy

This weeks article is again from the Book Review section of the NYTimes on April 28, 1890. Admittedly, I'm not very familiar with the history of Physiognomy so I am learning about it a little bit today as I post this. It is essentially Phrenology of the face, even more ridiculous and can be used for racist conclusions more readily. From Wikipedia:

Physiognomy (Gk. physis, nature and gnomon, judge, interpreter) is a theory based upon the idea that the study and judgement of a person's outer appearance, primarily the face, may give insights into their character or personality. The term physiognomy is also used to refer to the general appearance of a person, object, or terrain, without reference to its underlying or scientific characteristics.

So onto the book review. This time the NYTimes gets the right idea (even though some present day people still don't) that the book they're reviewing is a bunch of baloney.


The article goes on in some more detail but you get the point ;)

Ohh... and don't forget about this great quote from the article!


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