Education and Invasion

A Carnival of Education is up! I don't know that the plague theme is entirely encouraging, but as we creep towards the end of the term, it feels like it is entirely appropriate.

Also, tomorrow is the Invasive Species Weblog's fourth birthday (I know, she's really, really old), and Jennifer Forman Orth is celebrating with a contest—send her a link to an invasive species-related post by midnight Thursday and you might just win a prize.

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OT, and I know this is more a cephalopod blog, but there has been a new freshwater stingray species discovered in Thailand.

By MJ Memphis (not verified) on 12 Apr 2006 #permalink

Oh, I've just been plagued with all sorts of mishaps and nerve-wrecking events lately - it was appropriate for my state of mind and those who "get it" (the irony of me of all people using verse!) will, those who don't won't.

Ha! One referer thought I was preparing for Easter! You should see the Ten Modern Plagues in the atheist, humanist, environmentalist, feminist, gay-pride, liberal Haggadah last night!