Ambivalent linkage

You tell me…should I be flattered at all the email coming in from people saying that the phrase "flailing around like a lubed-up squid" brought me immediately to their mind?

Maybe it was the erotic resonance of the image that elicits that prompts the association…

Please don't tell me I'm the only one who detects the erotic resonance.

More like this

No, but you may be the first person to accuse Bucky (or Mr. Conley) of "erotic resonance"! Don't say it in Bucky's hearing, he'll get... ideas. :-)

By David Harmon (not verified) on 14 Apr 2006 #permalink

and "Well-Oiled Machine" invokes...?

I think any phrase involving the word "lube" these days has plenty of erotic resonance. Come on, is anyone really able to see the sign for that restaurant, Quaker Steak & Lube, without snickering?

PZ - Check out today's "Get Fuzzy" (April 14, 2006). That may be where this is coming from. And yes, I did think of this site when I read the comic strip...

I gotta start actually checking the links to these things...

Please don't tell me I'm the only one who detects the erotic resonance.

Well, you don't seem to be, PZ, to judge from the comments. But I gotta say -- I'm worried about all of you.

You people need to get out in the fresh air, meet a girl, preferably one without tentacles....

I, too, almost immediately thought of this site. Interestingly it's the first time I've read the local comics page is ages as my partner just subscribed to Fri-Sun so she can read the events section on Sunday.

By Robert D2 (not verified) on 14 Apr 2006 #permalink

I've been a vistor to your blog for only a few days and I thought of you immediately (cute guy, lube, naughty thoughts aplenty). Didn't even know you had a Friday squid feature. The things one learns from aimless internet wanderings...

"You people need to get out in the fresh air, meet a girl, preferably one without tentacles...."

That is strictly for suckers.

By Torbjörn Larsson (not verified) on 14 Apr 2006 #permalink

OctoPi69: What are you wearing?

CephaloPompoms: KY, baby, just for you. Wanna see my stingers?

OctoPi69: Ow! The last time I met a girl like you, she drove me to ink.