
Some guy has been nattering on for three years without delivering either the promised puppies or stories, and he thinks he deserves a roast? Notice how I am pointedly ignoring him.


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"The University of Minnesota, Morris is deeply rooted in the tall prairie grass and connected to the blue prairie sky." Translation: "We are in the middle of fucking nowhere and you will freeze your ass off if the one gas-powered generator goes out." Go finger a squid for Darwin, old-timer!

Oh, yeah? And you're in Texass. Texans don't have the privilege of knocking any other place in the universe, you know, it's a rule—the bunghole of the country has to acknowledge their sorry fate.

Having been a denizen of both Texas (where I am currently) and Minnesota, I'm going to have to go with PZ on this one. This place truly is America's anus.

And I grew up in Texas, mind you.

By Joker Cross (not verified) on 25 May 2006 #permalink

I'll thank you to exclude the great city of Austin from your Texas-hatred. Not everyone down here in the Lone Star State is a benighted hick. Most, sure, but not all.