I'm back!


Well, sorta. I arrived back home around midnight last night, and to be honest, I feel like I need another six hours of sleep right now. I also feel like I need to reply to some of the comments on that last godless post. And I also know I need to go take care of my fish for a while. I'll be back in full ranty action in a little while, but meanwhile, contemplate this work of art, "Bob decided it was time to put his degree in philosophy to work."

More like this

Hot dogs: Make me one with everything.
Pretzels: The twists of logic
Perplexing questions: Where does my lap go when I stand up? How many possible bald men are there in that hallway? Which came first: the mustard or the weiner?

See? Philosophy does have something to contribute.

The hot dog cart is just an instrument with which to lure corruptable youth. (Little known fact: Socrates had a hot dog cart.)

That's all I'm sayin'.

Perplexing questions: Where does my lap go when I stand up? How many possible bald men are there in that hallway? Which came first: the mustard or the weiner?

Was beer intelligently designed to make you pee so that you have to get off the barstool often enough to prevent your legs from atrophying?

That's why my philosophy business failed! I forgot the pretzels!

And John Wilkins' questions do have actual counterparts (ahem!) in serious journals. There's a problem in Analysis (which issue, I forget) from the 1950s about forgetting headaches and pain or something which struck even me (of the no science-philosophy dividing line thesis) as too specific and psychological.

I hope my brother doesn't see this.

But anyway, he's a got real philosophy degree. From a true Scotsman. All about critical thinking, essentially.

One thing that's really annoying is all the degree-mill quality philosophy profs who'd consider all the jokes above to be serious conundrums.

.....he's a got real philosophy degree. From a true Scotsman.

My first (and so far only) two philosophy courses were from a True Scotsman: Professor MacLaghlin had a brogue so think you could cut it with a knife. He fit right in at a university whose football-game fight song is in Gaelic.....

It's true, I needed to get my masters in library and information science to get a job--not much call for a philosophy/history B.A.

Then again, I don't know anyone with a B.Sc. (in the States, I think you call it a B.S.) that wasn't in Computer Science who got a job without some additional post-graduate work.

What would the bachelor of science be selling at his hot dog stand?

By False Prophet (not verified) on 05 Jun 2006 #permalink