Can't get enough of my voice?

Don't answer that. But just in case you can at least tolerate listening to me, I'm interviewed on NSTA's Lab Out Loud podcast.

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by Liz Borkowski If you haven't read Laurie David's op-ed, "Science a la Joe Camel," in yesterday's Washington Post, I recommend clicking over to it. David was a producer of Al Gore's climate change documentary "An Inconvenient Truth," and reports that the National Science Teachers Association (…

Ok, I'll be the first arse-kisser and compliment PZ on his speaking and lecture skills. After listening to his 'There is no ghost your Brain' lecture, I had a masochistic urge to go back to school for another graduate degree. Then I remembered how much I like the luxury of sleeping ...

Oh man, I remember that poor student last semester you talked about. I hope you let more students blog this semester. That was a fun experiment.

congrats on the voice exposure.

Here's an idea for the atheist/religious zealotry part of your blog.

[Link to AFP article]

"The rocket blasted off after a countdown to cries of "Allahu Akbar!" (God is Greatest), from the space centre in a desert region in the northern Semnan province, state television showed."

I discussed this quote with a ninja friend of mine, and we agreed that such scientific achievement juxtaposed with Allah, or any God for that matter, is a most odd and uniquely human compulsion. I'm sure your readers would agree.

God also favored Eli Manning.

Being possessed of an alternating flat and sharp eastern Ontario Canada accent, I would never cast aspersions on voice (today I am surprised I can even spell "aspersions"..)

My comment is much like those regarding the radio show last week - I figured PZ's voice would be this large "fill the room / peel the paint off walls / frighten small children" voice when it is in fact a nice soft professorial voice .. that still has a nice sharpness and terrific chuckle when provoked by "chuckle-headed" ideas as it was on the radio show (for clarity I mean the great debate last week not the current 'cast PZ links to in this thread)

By stephen murphy (not verified) on 04 Feb 2008 #permalink

As one of the interviewers for the podcast, I thought PZ would be gruff and booming. He was surprisingly gentle and paternal. It was a strange juxtaposition.

Reality can be hard to accept. Helps if it comes from a kind yet unwavering voice.***

Awww ... :pouts:

And here I thought I'd get a prehensile tail by joining the Grand Atheist Conspiracy.

As someone who is relatively new to PZ's blog(where've I been - are these internets' things really going to take off?), this was a great, personalized bit of background. Thanks PZ

By chuck goecke (not verified) on 04 Feb 2008 #permalink