More Hitchens!

Christopher Hitchens was in another debate with his brother, Peter Hitchens. From the quoted material and the video clip at that link, Christopher was brilliant and lucid, and Peter…well, his argument was basically that things were better in the good old days when everyone had that old time religion, without noting that it was only better if you were white, heterosexual, and male.

Peter also makes an awesomely stupid series of arguments about morality: that if it were independent of god and religion, it would change (surprise! It does!), and that if it changes it wouldn't be what he calls morality. And further, he claims that there are a whole bunch of sinful, evil things that he would do if he didn't have religion restraining him.

That latter claim always leaves me shaking my head. We'd better keep Peter Hitchens shackled up tight, then.

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