Calling All Neuroscientists - or - A Special Issue of the Synapse

So there is no one schedule to do the Synapse for next week, and this is kind of deliberate.

For those of you who don't know, the annual Society for Neuroscience convention is this weekend from Saturday to Wednesday. The SfN is the Lolapalooza of neuroscience meetings. Tens of thousands of neuroscientists from all areas go every year. Neurology rock stars go on stage to explain their newest bestest research, and hordes of male and female grad students (read: neurology groupies) throw their underwear at them.

Anyway, I am going to hold off publishing the Synapse until after the annual meeting is done so that hopefully all of us who attend will have an opportunity to post about what we see. Therefore, the next Synapse will be published here on Pure Pedantry on Thursday October 19, 2006. (Individuals not going to SfN are still encouraged to participate.)

Also, check in here over the weekend and early next week for periodic updates on the festivities. I plan on blogging a lot, and fellow Sciencebloggers Shelley and Evil Monkey will be attending.

UPDATE: A new issue of the other neuroscience carnival Encephalon is up at Cognitive Daily. There has been a fall off in contributions, so remember to keep contributing.

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High mental situations getting by meditation ( according to
Buddhism nivana ) could be done artificial way by stimulating brain. It can change the chemical sistem of the brain. I suggest to experiment about it.

By H.M.H.B.D.Bandara (not verified) on 23 Dec 2007 #permalink