Anatomical Tattoos

I sometimes gave my anatomy professors hell for wearing anatomy-themed t-shirts, but this is a whole new level. Check out these anatomy-themed tattoos.


There are many more here.

Hat-tip: Andrew Sullivan

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That is the most coolest tat I have ever seen i my life!!!!!!!!!!!!

Waw I've never seen or thought of a tattoo in this perticular aspect.
I actually work in the health field and deal with the human anatomy on regular basis.
You are giving me ideas for tattoos i would like to get on myself.
Pretty awesome.

that tattoo was't that painful hand tattoos dont hurt that bad come talk to me when you get a ribcage tattioo then you can say you know what pain is

OMG! a tattoo like that has never even crossed my mind, untill now, and i think that tat is amazing!

That is a crazy ass tat. I love it! I been thinking about getting an anatomical tattoo for awhile and by far I love this one. How long did it take them to do it and what how much it cause.