Somewhere out there is a woman who loves my graphs

From the always excellent xkcd (click to enlarge):


Someday, someday I will meet a woman who loves the fact that I like to graph. There is important stuff out there that needs to be correlated -- like the amount of torrential rain that falls outside my window vs. how many people fall flat on their ass on the way to work. These are important issues that demand graphical representation.

As a side note, do you think that "Age/2 + 7" rule is fair? I would say that it is fine when you are over a certain age, but that would mean I can date a 20 year old without sketchiness. Empirical evidence has shown that whenever I bring home a 20 year old, my roommates are offended.

Perhaps there is some sort of marginal utility function for sketchiness by which I can relate how much I want to date and how poorly I am likely to be perceived. Hmmmm...

More like this

I made calculations. (Assumption: the appropriate age to use this formula, referring to the age of the younger party, is out of college-age range). The appropriate age for someone to start using this formula, if they're the older party, would be 34.

If memory serves, that was the formula espoused by Elijah Muhammad (formerly Elijah Poole), leader of Nation of Islam, based solely on his personal tastes in younger women (of whom he had many).

You did read the alt-text caption, didn't you? "The full analysis is of course much more complicated, but I can't stay to talk about it because I have a date."

That formula is way off. I won't stand idly by and have someone rule out me and Catherine Zeta-Jones just because I'm not 24.

On the other hand, this would rule out Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas. What we need is a double standard.

Your mating problems don't exist in a certain little pseudo-first-world country in SE Asia, where males impress females easily with smarts.

(Warning to fellow, ahem, nerdettes: This is not true the other way around. Even women will not take you as seriously as they do a guy with similar [or even lower] qualifications.)

By mauvecloud (not verified) on 11 Sep 2007 #permalink

I'm 43 but I'm sure it would be a problem if I started dating a 28 year old. My wife would object, for a start.

maybe mauvecloud is right - there's a lot of research to suggest that, for women, intelligence trumps good looks. now, a matter of comparing how intelligence and good looks change as people age (i don't think it's linear)

and "whenever I bring home a 20 year old"? does anyone else find this quote slightly disconcerting? ;)

"Empirical evidence has shown that whenever I bring home a 20 year old, my roommates are offended"

Maybe it's not the age that's the problem, but the way you keep them stacked like cordwood in the basement?


I'm really into guys who graph and/or gather information in some kind of organized fashion.
I have a spread sheet for all of my bills/debt.
It has links to web pages, charts, graphs, and formulas.
I also do this for keeping track of the days someone says the word "precarious".

oktay usta

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By oktay usta (not verified) on 08 Jul 2008 #permalink