Chameleon Snake Found in Heart of Borneo

Reuters (through Yahoo News) reports the discovery of a color-changing snake in the Borneo rainforest. The venomous snake represents an unknown species, and was found by biologists working with the WWF. The ability of reptiles to manipulate their skin pigmentation has been documented before, but is extremely rare in snakes.

"I put the reddish-brown snake in a dark bucket," said Mark Auliya, a reptile expert and a consultant for the group. "When I retrieved it a few minutes later, it was almost entirely white."

(It puts the snake in the basket. It does this whenever it's told.....)

Seriously though, WWF has said that 361 new animal and plant species have been discovered since 1996 on Borneo, which is amazing. For more on Borneo, including pictures, check out this post.


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It rubs the snake on its skin or else it gets the hose again.

Erm... that sounds really perverted...

By Evil Monkey (not verified) on 27 Jun 2006 #permalink

Well it's nice to see that the research arm of the World Wrestling Federation is adding to the world's scientific knowledge. Sure, some people complained that spending millions to find a "cool snake" for Viper Vic to wear around his neck as he entered the ring was a waste of money. But this news will hopefully get them to shut their cake holes. If not, there's always the triple combination body slam.