A Few Days Off, Much Needed.....

I'm taking a few days off blogging, just to depressurize and take a few steps back. The last week has been pretty crazy and exhausting, so, a bit of time off is just what the doctor ordered.


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Hang in there, and don't let the bastards grind you down!

Hope you have a nice vacation. It's nice to get away from things anyway, a sense of getting away will definitely refresh the mind, body, and spirit.

Wait, you have to tell us if Prof. Steve Steve is safe first! Pretty much the entire Zoology dept. here is worried about him.

Well you know, life as a media star is very exhausting!

Time for a methyl jasmonate daquiri! :)

Prof Steve Steve has been recovered, pictures to follow, but at the current time he's partaking in the daquiri party too! And naps, lots of naps.

Hey Shelley,

just wanted to thank you for nominating Dr. Pepperberg to speak at your neuro symposium - she gave a fantastic talk! My good friend Lara and our wonderful Avian Vet thoroughly enjoyed it as well.

Nice to meet you too! Hope you stop by at Parrot Chatter more often and share stories of your beautiful Grey! (Thank you for snapping the pic with Dr. P for us, it turned out great and I've posted it over on Parrot Chatter).

By Sarah Volk (not verified) on 02 May 2007 #permalink

No word from ShellyB for a week. I'll bet she's been nabbed by the same dirtbags who kidnapped Prof. Steve Steve.

By Mustafa Mond, FCD (not verified) on 09 May 2007 #permalink

Oh I'm still here, checking in. I think I may start up blogging again tomorrow or the next day. I've been swamped at work, and doing paper revisions, and trying to get into this Woods Hole course on the inner ear....etc etc

hold on - how did shelley ever escape my evil grasp and make her way to a computer to make this comment... since i've obviously held her hostage if no one's heard from her recently. oh wait, she wasn't irresponsibly left all alone after dinner, to be taken home and cared for (yes the photo shoot was done in a caring manner and no animals were harmed during the filming) and fed booze like prof steve steve after he met Irene last week. i guess i can't legitimately say i fed him booze if i went to sleep that night with a fully stocked selection of wine and scotch only to wake with all the bottles emptied and a silly grin on the stumbling hand puppet. but, those are the hazards of being a hostage-taker-by-fortune, i acknowledge that it is a dangerous profession to not-choose.

I think it's time to send a search party down to the planet's surface with two of the regular cast members and two junior officers who have not appeared regularly on the show. Beam us down.

By Mustafa Mond, FCD (not verified) on 10 May 2007 #permalink