Oooooooh..... brrrrrrrr.... lunar eclipses in winter!

Putting the cool back in stargazing. Although, strictly, it was moongazing.

i-83cb1532952f0ba8891136f360f72c89-lunar eclipse.jpg

Okay, I admit it's a little jiggly. But I had the zoom all the way out, AND I was using a tripod, and it was fricking 3 degrees outside. I think it ain't bad.

Did you see the eclipse where you were?

I also saw 3 stars in Orion's belt, plus 6 stars in the Pleiades, plus the usual suspects of the Big Dipper, and Cassiopea. And now that my fingers have warmed up a little, I'm going to have some tea - it was FREEEEZING.


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Yup, I even filmed it! The red showed up pretty well on my camcorder. And yes, it is freezing; about 12 or 13 degrees in mid-MI!

Ah, you had a tripod...I just had wobbly bits. Never mind, it was pretty cool (although really under reported in the media sadly). I also saw Orion.

Was up most of the night. Got to see the shadow creep across the moon, more or less -- but by 3am, the time of the full eclipse for us, heavy cloud cover had moved in and I couldn't see the moon at all.

Craptastic, especially since I was going to have been able to watch it comfortably from my bedroom window.

By Luna_the_cat (not verified) on 20 Feb 2008 #permalink

Your picture is *much* better than mine. I didn't get to see the absolute maximum coverage because Minnow woke up and had wet her bed. Ah, the joys of motherhood. But what I did get to see was fantastic and comfortable - it was a pleasant 55 degrees and completely clear.

I'm in the other side of the world, so for me to see it I would have had to be up around 3 am... so... yes, I missed it. But I LOOOVE your picture!!!

By SuperBabe (not verified) on 21 Feb 2008 #permalink

Still have to download mine - we tried to take photos through the telescopes at my uni, and hoping they come out as nice as yours did! Saturn was quite nice last night, too (that's the bright "star" visible in the photo). And I'm still not quite warm yet (30F...bad for standing on the roof staring at the moon)

It was beautiful above the 49th. It was -40 C with the wind chill (-47 in F) so only went out for quick glimpses. I was out of town at my son's hockey game and forgot to bring my camera - would have been an assume picture.

Thanks, squawky! I was wondering what planet that was (it was so bright I was able to pick it up in my video).

Wow, -40C? You win, Lauri. And I must confess that I cropped the photo - my zoom isn't that good. But glad the photo was a hit. I took 2 kinds of shots - 1 set where the exposure was set for the light part as the edge started to disappear, and 1 set for the dark part. That way you could see some features on the moon still.

My colleague told me that the moon also was going through - was it Leo? I don't think I had ever seen that constellation. Very cool. I mean c-c-c-old. I had to drink tea and take a hot water bottle to bed with me to start to get warm...

Glad to hear you at least braved to cold for a little while to view it, a good lunar eclipse it worth it. I have some eclipse photos over at my blog ( OK, they are from last August, not this eclipse. We didn't get to see much of this one out in the middle of the Pacific.