Unbloggable week, with a silver lining

i-f875c0b07d9b3cb6229668554781b35a-alice.jpgIt has been a horrible week at work. Horrible. Actually, it started in the middle of last week. Suffice it to say I have had many behind-the-door conversations, real sturm und drang, and I find it completely unbloggable. Just no idea where to start. So until I figure that out, let me share the tiniest silver lining of this week:

Asparagus from our local CSA guy. Our harvest basket starts next week. And Friday is the last day of class this semester. (If I can make it.)


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I am glad there is a sliver of sliver lining. Best wishes for getting through to the end of the week.

I am glad there is a sliver of sliver lining. Best wishes for getting through to the end of the week.

Hang in there!

Oh no...Alice....sorry it's been so rough. Let me know if I can help...

Thanks, all. Hopefully I can blog about it at some point. Blessedly, it's now Friday, and I'm leaving at 2 pm to head to my parents' for the weekend. My mom is singing in Verdi's Requiem so I'm prepping now by playing Dies Irae very loudly...

Sorry you had a crappy week. Asparagus is my absolute favorite vegetable ever!! I like to rub it with olive oil, douse liberally with salt and pepper, and put it in the oven at 400F for 15 minutes.

Alice! I am sorry to hear it was so bad this week!! And the very week of a certain luncheon on Friday...

I hope the end of the semester finds you with way more time to enjoy your work.