Donors Choose: Reach $1750+ or 10+ more donors and Alice will donate 10% on top!

i-f875c0b07d9b3cb6229668554781b35a-alice.jpgFolks, we are heading into the home stretch for Donors Choose, and you've helped 1084 kids get access to books they wouldn't have had without your help. That's great. But we can do better.

So.... 24 Sciencewomen blog readers have already donated $1517 to needy projects, and if you can help us make it a little farther, I will donate 10% of our final tally on top.

The criteria:
1) That we make it to $1750 before the challenge closes on Oct 31; OR (that's right, OR!)
2) That 10 more people make donations, no matter how small.

So either a generous person can give ~$230 on their own, or a whole bunch of people give $5 or whatever you can afford. Even better if 10 people give $25, because then we'd meet both criteria and even more!

Remember our other cool prizes too. Thanks for your consideration.

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WOW you have cranked it up! As of 10:30 pm Tuesday night, we're at 29 donors donating $3342 to reach 1108 kids. THAT'S AWESOME. Can we keep it going? Get to 34 donors by Sunday?

THANK YOU for your donations and for your good wishes....

Ok I spoke too soon. The jump in funds is from HP and went to all Sciencebloggers. So we're back to needing some donors... Please?