Reminder: Ada Lovelace Day tomorrow! [See Jane Compute]

Just a friendly reminder that tomorrow, March 24, is Ada Lovelace Day, a day devoted to highlighting women in technology. Get your posts together! (Even if you didn't sign the pledge, please join in on the fun!) Details on how to post and tag are here.

I am so excited about my own post---the woman I am posting about totally rocks, and I can't wait to introduce you to her and her work.

Also, while we are on the subject of reminders: If you're not familiar with fellow scibling Isis the Scientist....well, why the hell aren't you reading her already? Anyway, you definitely want to click through to her site this month, because she is donating all of her blogging income this month to fund an American Physiological Society scholarship for a young undergraduate woman who submits the best abstract to the Experimental Biology meeting. Details are here. So go show her some clicky love, ok?

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Just a friendly reminder that tomorrow, March 24, is Ada Lovelace Day, a day devoted to highlighting women in technology. Get your posts together! (Even if you didn't sign the pledge, please join in on the fun!) Details on how to post and tag are here. I am so excited about my own post---the…
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Wednesday was Ada Lovelace Day! Ada Lovelace Day is an international day of blogging to celebrate the achievements of women in technology and science. The first Ada Lovelace Day was held on 24th march 2009 and was a huge success. It attracted nearly 2000 signatories to the pledge and 2000 more…