Seafood Gets Stylish in Dubai

A Lebonese restaurant in Dubai launched these ads earlier this year as a way to get fashion conscious consumers (who in Dubai isn't?) to eat their new Friday seafood lunch. Any coincidence the lunch is on Friday (think Friday Fish Fry)? In the midst of the marine fisheries crisis, demand for fish globally continues to grow.



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For somewhere around twenty years there was a fantastic restaurant in Santz Cruz California called India Joze. (I believe it closed about ten years ago?) It was known for many things, with its numerous and imaginative calamari dishes being high on the list. It was also the home of the original International Calamari Festival (held in August every year, if I recall correctly).

Anyways, at festival time, besides enjoying the calamari at India Joze, there were numerous squidly things shown or even on sale. (PZ would be in heaven, in a manner of speaking...) Some of the, ah, sillier things were posters(? postcards?) of attractive ladies wearing squids as necklaces--not unlike the images shown in this post.