From Randy Olson: Hillary Shows the Power of the Heart

If you're an academic, it's officially not cool to speak from your heart. Academics do their best to keep things in the head--away from the sincerity of the heart, the humor of the gut, and especially (yeeks) away from the potentially atomic power of the lower organs. But Hillary saw for herself in New Hampshire this week the power of the heart.

You wanna save the oceans? Find yourself a genuine (un-phony and contrived) pathway to the heart. And you'll notice that her "heart moment" was not the carefully scripted work of a committee. It was her, letting go and being human.

Little known secret: Show you're human, win a primary.

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Unless it actually WAS "carefully scripted work of a committee." Maybe I'm a little too suspicious, but I don't think that either of the Clintons do or say anything in front of a camera unless it's gone through a committee first to determine how the American public is expected to respond.

I wonder why it's "Obama" and "Edwards" and "Giuliani" and "Huckabee", but it's "Hillary".

Is it "because she's a girl"?

knwd - how can you be so cynical? (simple, because you're probably right, but who cares, it worked)

By Randy Olson (not verified) on 09 Jan 2008 #permalink

How did I get to be so cynical? Well, I grew up in the same house with Jenn, so you might want to ask her. My theory is that we both learned cynical behaviors from our father, but I inherited Republican genes from our mom.

Obviously, I'm not a big fan of Ms. Clinton, and it's because I see her as someone who follows the polls much more closely than she follows her conscience. She may be a fair-weather friend for your issues now, but I wouldn't count on her support on anything that runs counter to her own personal agenda. Of course, if you can get popular support for environmental issues, I'm sure she'll be glad to jump onto the bandwagon with you.

My vote will go to a candidate who isn't afraid to take an unpopular (but rational) stance on tough issues. I'm still trying to figure out who that might be...

Unless it actually WAS "carefully scripted work of a committee." Maybe I'm a little too suspicious, but I don't think that either of the Clintons do or say anything in front of a camera unless it's gone through a committee first to determine how the American public is expected to respond.

Posted by: knwd | January 9, 2008 11:24 AM

I sort of have a feeling you are right! But miracles do happen, maybe this was one of them?
Dave Briggs :~)