The public's clamor

Oh, the public's clamor is too much! Must Signout give and give and give until there is no Signout left, even for Signout?

I kid. It's not that my life is really all that chaotic these days, or that nothing interesting is happening at work, or that I'm incredibly depressed--I just don't have that much to say.

It'll come. Thanks for sticking around.


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Some of us just want to make sweet love to Signout down by the fire.

(Oblique South Park reference).

Perhaps Signout is busy baking pumpkin pies with chocolate ganache...

The Pie of Hope and Promise! Oh, you remembered!

It being the season and everything, perhaps I'll post a recipe.

Of COURSE I remember! The Pie of Hope and Promise is the pie I wasn't sure I liked at first. Then, after you left, I ate the rest of it. By myself.

Please do post a recipe if you get a chance! Such a pie would lift the November Country spirits of many I know.

come on, it's been like 6 weeks or're killing me here!

Love ya, mean it, LF

By Anonymous (not verified) on 21 Dec 2007 #permalink

Seriously! I'm running out of LOL cats...

It'll come. Thanks for sticking around.
The Pie of Hope and Promise! Oh, you remembered!

That sounds like the best prescription! Always keep an extra slice in the fridge!
Dave Briggs :~)

By Anonymous (not verified) on 03 Jan 2008 #permalink

it's been like 6 weeks or something

By Youtube Video (not verified) on 21 Feb 2008 #permalink

Signout reader named Benjamin Langer, who himself has a very nice critical piece on intelligent design in the current edition of SCQ.