Sweet, sweet memories

A few days back, I noted that January 5th 2006 marked my first post on Scienceblogs. And indeed it did. But I forgot that it was actually a back-dated post from my old blog. It was today - January 11th - one year ago that Sb launched with fifteen intrepid bloggers - Janet, Tara , Afarensis, Dave & Greta, Tim, Ed, RPM, Razib, Chris, GrrlScientist, Kevin, PZ, Chad, and myself - boldly going where no bloggers went before.

For those of you who wish to feel nostalgic, the Wayback Machine has the front page from January 12th 2006 online. Oh, how far we have come!

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So, John, does this mean that your post on 11 Jan 2006 was the very first post on ScienceBlogs?? I know that everyone has posts dated earlier, but yours was the first on 11 Jan.

I'd love to have an official ruling on this since the answer could come up in Trivial Pursuit just like "Video Killed the Radio Star."

Looks like it, but I don't think so. I was posting on MST rather than EST for the first few days, if I remember correctly. Then I seem to remember a mandate from above ...

By John Lynch (not verified) on 11 Jan 2007 #permalink