Dr. Pierre Legagneux (University of Quebec in Rimouski, Canada) and Dr. Simon Ducatez (McGill University, Canada) published a new study in Biology Letters suggesting that birds judge the speed limit of cars to determine when to take flight. In areas with higher speed limits, birds were observed to take off sooner than areas with lower posted speed limits.
Birds Adapt to Posted Speed Limits by GeoBeats
It will probably be some years before we get the full story of what happened at the Fukushima Daiichi reactor complex after the earthquake.
Information has not exactly been put out coherently or comprehensively, but we can make some inferences from the data that is out there.
It is likely that one or two reactor vessels were breached with release of fuel and radioactive ash into the containment vessel.
There are a lot of nuclear agencies in Japan:
the JAEA - Japan Atomic Energy Agency - whose online environmental radiation monitors are now online (Oarai is the interesting one, between…
tags: Daniel Radcliffe, Harry Potter, David Holmes, stuntman, movie news
David Homes (left), the stuntman for Daniel Radcliffe (right), who plays Harry Potter.
Image: The Daily Mail.
My fellow Harry Potter fans will be most saddened to hear that a serious accident occurred yesterday afternoon on the film set of the latest Harry Potter film that is in production. David Holmes, the stuntman for Daniel Radcliffe (who plays Harry Potter), was hospitalized with serious back injuries after an accident on the sound stages at London's Leavesden Studios, in Hertfordshire, near Watford, England.…