deep sea news

When I found a package on my doorstep last night from Kevin Z, I was worried. Was Kevin hitting on me again despite my many rejections? A single rose perhaps? Or maybe he was trying to cut things off. Yet another dead squirrel? Well boy did I feel like a jerk when I opened the box to find the greatest gift I have ever received in my entire life: two zoo and aquarium shot glasses! Check check it: Kevin is an invertebrate nut and world famous musician. Definitely check out his invertebrate blog, The Other 95%, and his big time Deep Sea News site, cleverly entitled - Deep Sea News. If anyone…
Do restaurants and fishmongers frequently mislabel their fish so you think you are eating delicious thermal vent tube worm when you are really just eating pollock? Why do shore birds run in fright from small lapping waves? How does Kevin Z manage to trick us into reading his "writing?" Learn more about these and other fishy tales from our credentialed but unemployable brethren over at Deep Sea News hosting Carnival of the Blue 18.
Welcome to the eleventh and by far the most important, although surprisingly the most poorly formatted, installment of Carnival of the Blue. Before we get down to the watery, salty, and sometimes rubbery details, we wanted to take a moment to ponder the significance of Zooillogix's role as host of the eleventh COB. Why not the fifth or the ever popular tenth? Why not the second or maybe seventh, sixth, eighth, ninth or third? Well, according to, "If ten is the number which marks the perfection of Divine order, then eleven is an addition to it, subversive of and undoing that…
Zooillogix is a huge fan of Deep Sea News and for once in our lives, the feeling is mutual (go to hell Davina Josco from 2nd grade). Deep Sea News asked Zooillogix to weigh in on our favorite DSN posts from 2007 about five weeks ago and Benny finally got around to it yesterday! Today DSN has posted the results, which we definitely suggest you check out. See if you can guess which selections and comments are ours?! The Judges You can link to Deep Sea News and just read the Jan. 7th posts, or, if this is being read in some sort of time capsule 500 years in the future, you can link directly to…