
A few of the recent pieces I've liked: Ta-Nehisi Coates at The Atlantic: Barack Obama, Ferguson, and the Evidence of Things Unsaid Danielle Paquette in The Washington Post: An Obamacare program helped poor kids and saved money. It was also doomed to fail. Richard Florida at CityLab: This Holiday Season, Let's Turn Retail Jobs Into Middle-Class Ones Gabrielle Glaser at ProPublica: Twelve Steps to Danger: How Alcoholics Anonymous Can Be a Playground for Violence-Prone Members Emily Eakin in The New Yorker: The Excrement Experiment: Treating disease with fecal transplants
I was going to put this on my facebook page, but it seemed worthy of a higher status. As it were. We live in a police state, here in America, in the same way one gives oneself a particular religion or non-religious label. Unless you are a priest, a habitually repentant sinner, or like me, a habitually annoyed atheist, you usually aren't anything. Someone can't look at you and pick out your belief system. It is in the background lurking around doing nothing, ignored and all but forgotten most of the time. But when needed out comes the book (The Bible, The Origin, whatever). Our police…
Above: Ferguson police spent the evening dropping tear gas containers on reporters to keep news of police repression from getting out. They are unaware of the deadly truthful combination of cell phones, citizens, and twitter. My fellow American: You live in Ferguson, you just don't know it yet. NOTE: BREAKING: Rep. Clay Says St. Louis County Police to be Relieved of Duty #Ferguson — Derek Wallbank (@dwallbank) August 14, 2014 ___________________________ Some petitions about #Furgeson "Ferguson police just executed my unarmed son!"Stop the police abuse. Send the National Guard to Ferguson.…