
It's always a struggle between the difficult solution that actually would accomplish something, and the ridiculous, easy, superficial idea. Math pink? How absurd. Everyone knows that putting math in cute shoes would work better.
I have to call shenanigans on this cartoon: It left out Mormonism. And since Mormonism is halfway between $cientology and Christianity, given the principle that the right answer is always the one in the middle, she would have found the Mormons just right. I think that's right, anyway. People keep telling me that we have to flee from the extremes, i.e. Fundamentalism and that horrible rational evidence-based thinking, to find contentment in the median, i.e. soppy sloppy casual Jesusology. So how can the protagonist of this story actually find happiness in the flaming extremism of science-…
Since the Catholics are accusing gays of 'bullying' by demanding equal rights (how dare they!), and since Minnesota does have a scumbag for a governor, I guess I'll have to sit back and take it when The Onion mocks our fair state. New Law Would Ban Marriages Between People Who Don't Love Each Other
(via archy)
Over at The Urban Ethnographer, we find this superb post about riding the subway that will be familiar to anyone who does so on a regular basis. What I love is the taxonomy of riders, including the "packers": People carry large bulky items with them. In all fairness, though, packers need to be distinguished from folks for whom the subway is their main method of transportation and who really have no other option for transporting bulky items. The term packer is therefore reserved for those people with super large backpacks they refuse to take off when they board the train. If you encounter a…
All the dudes griping in the feminist threads have finally convinced me that I should bring out my inner horndog. So here we go: I'm converting Pharyngula to an all porn format. I expect my page views to go through the roof. As my first entry, here is the infamous Eva Mendes sex tape. Enjoy. Eva Mendes Sex Tape from Eva Mendes
It's an illustrated guide to facial hair, and it contains many important True Facts. It also has a survey of different beard styles, with a discussion of what they mean. Obviously, I have to agree with this one. Don't even try to argue with me. I've got honor, virility, and wisdom on my side.
I'm trembling in fear. I should probably pay homage.
Yeah, those annoyingly shrill fundamentalist militant agnostics annoy me too.
In a great victory for history, a very rare 19th century MP3 has been recovered which documents a moment in Charles Darwin's domestic life. It seems that there was a bit of unreported conflict between them…
This is true, but cruel: It made me think…there would be a lot more vegans in the world if they could each declare one special exemption. I think "I'm a vegan, except when it comes to bacon" would be a very common phrase, just like "I'm a skeptic, except when it comes to religion." Mmmm, bacon.
This is soooo funny. So funny it hurts. Ok, so maybe I've been guilty of one or two of these. Ok, maybe you have too. The more you're guilty, the funnier it is. To many, the Internet is a world full of promise. To others, a ripe field ready to be harvested by douchebags. Both are true. I think the first douchebag was the knight in medieval times. You just know he clickity-clanked across the village in that dopey metal armor and thought he was so cool. Oh look at me. I have armor! And then he'd return to the castle and push the jester around with his joust. Jousting him in the ass,…
Westboro Baptist Church decided that they were going to picket Comic-Con, and Justin Kirchart sent me pictures. He also sent me a photo of the WBC picket — it's a sad and pathetic 4 people standing and holding the usual "YOU HATE GOD" and "GOD HATES FAGS" signs, and it wasn't very interesting, so I didn't bother to upload it. Here, though, are the forces of Comic-con madness across the street. They're much more entertaining. Click to zoom in! Justin liked "Jesus was nailed to a cross. Thor has a hammer." I kind of liked "ODIN IS GOD. Read Mighty Thor #5". Thor is always good for a laugh in…
...before someone used Pepsigate as the inspiration for some painfully good satire. Well done, Bob.
tags: A Rocket of His Own, TIME magazine, astronomy, AMNH, American Museum of Natural History, space travel, Saturn V rocket, The Seven Wonders of America, Marshall Space Flight Center, Neil deGrasse Tyson, streaming video TIME magazine recently went to interview astronomer Neil deGrasse Tyson and noticed a huge crate had been delivered to his office at the American Museum of Natural History. He was kind enough to open it on-camera. The back story of this gift is that Neil was adamant that ABC News include the Saturn V Rocket on its list of The 7 Wonders of America. The folks at the Marshall…
The Force remains strong in Darth Jobs, even after antennagate. I actually love my iPhone 4 and haven't had any problems with it. Even so, I found the above video about Steve Jobs' infamous Reality Distortion Field to be hilarious, even though it comes from Taiwan and I can't understand a word of it. It doesn't surprise me in the least that Jobs' power derives from the dark side of the Force. ADDENDUM: Here's the same video with English subtitles. Well, it's not the greatest as far as English subtitles go, but you get the message I think.
tags: Late For Work, jobs, employment, humor, funny, comedy, fucking hilarious, social observation, streaming video It's hot, you were up late drinking with your friends and now it's Monday morning -- again! Unlike some videos that I share with you, this one gets straight to the point -- a point that we've all achieved at some time during our lives.
Never, ever emulate the stories from Disney cartoons. (via Evolving Thoughts)
tags: Mormonism, religion, cults, mind control, Magic Mormon Underwear, moron, offbeat, humor, funny, comedy, silly, beliefs, insanity, education, streaming video I've lived among mormons for more years than I care to think about, and yes, the magic underwear was one of those mysteries that us kids speculated on when the adults weren't around. As if they were flies upon the walls of my childhood, the Thinking Atheist has made this video that discusses the the Mormon church's most famous "secret."
tags: Brother Sam Singleton Atheist Evangelist, Atheists at Prayer, prayer, atheism, agnosticism, humor, funny, comedy, fucking hilarious, satire, streaming video This video features the colorful language and thoughts of my new boyfriend, Sam Singleton Atheist Evangelist as he discusses prayer-time etiquette for atheists.