institute of physics

Deep Climate covers the latest in the IOPgate scandal The controversy over the Institute of Physics biased submission to the U.K. Parliamentary Science and Technology Committee's investigation of the stolen emails from East Anglia's Climate Research Unit is about to get a whole lot hotter. Of particular interest to Deltoid readers might be the Monckton connection (quoting Donald Oats on 8 Mar): Monckton was touring Australia - perhaps still is - and during that tour he made some allusions to Climate Scientists being about to face criminal charges, and also to peak academic bodies having…
BigCityLib catches the IOP using the memory hole. William Connolley is not impressed: What a bunch of slimy little toads: they pretend to believe in openness, they won't tell us who wrote their statements, then they silently airbrush out embarassing words afterwards.
The ever-vigilant BigCityLib has spotted some revisionism by the Institute of Physics: they have silently updated their "clarification": the link now points to a statement dated 5th March, instead of the original, which was 2nd march. What a bunch of slimy little toads: they pretend to believe in openness, they won't tell us who wrote their statements, then they silently airbrush out embarassing words afterwards. Refers: Irony can be pretty ironic sometimes and The IOP fiasco. This post doesn't analyse the changes; as far as I can see they have…