Lotsa Links

Big ball of fire in sky. Is it the sun? Anyway, links for you: An Open Letter: To the Awesome SpeakerGetting even with the odds ratio Other: How Obama Screws His BasePaul Ryan is a Man Who Takes His Responsibilities as a Public Official SeriouslyLeft Ed: Waiting for SanityIf the Nazis Do It, It's TortureBehind the drumbeat for charter schools
Links for you. Sciencey stuff: Four types of scientists (While I think Myers-Briggs is crap in that the underlying normally distributed data are shoehorned into binary variables, it's a pretty funny post)Former Air Force Officers: UFOs Tampered With Nuclear Missiles (???)DNA sequencing and the Chocolate FactoryRight wing propaganda machine adopts anti-vaccination stance Other: Forbes blogs for saleThomas Friedman Sums Up the Iraq War: "Suck. On. This." (video; worth reminding ourselves how morally degenerate Thomas Friedman is)New Rule For the Internets, Six-Figure Income Division (and…
A cruddy, rainy Monday. Let's brighten things up with some links: The only chart you need to see why Obama and the Ds will slash Social Security if they canMontana woman fends off bear attack with zucchiniMan without Mortgage Loses Home in ForeclosureThe Method To Their MadnessTesting, 1-2-3Does Andrew O'Hehir hate black kidsAs Luck Would Have ItWho You Gonna Believe?NY-18: Lowey's challenger opposes interracial marriage and school integration; supports eugenics.
I think we had our last weekend day of summer yesterday. Let's mourn with some links. Science: Another new bad resistance factor. (Bonus: Another city stigmatized!)Whooping cough epidemic suggests bacteria are adapting (TEH DARWINISMZ! AAIIIEEE!!!!)What's not to love about baby seahorses? Other: Curse of the control freaksWe Should Have Gone Swedish . . . (file under, "It wasn't just predictable, but it was predicted")Going GaltWhy We Don't Need to Pay Down the National DebtTHE DRIVE TO BREAK FROM FORCED NEUTRALITY....Obama's Forgotten Base
It's a sunny Saturday here. If you're stuck inside, here are some links. Science: Cocaine detectors for parents are a terrible idea: Nearly being arrested for drug smuggling provided me with an excellent introduction to the problem of false positivesThe Revolution Will Not be Blogged, EitherThe truth about vaccines and toxins: less aluminum than breast milkWho are you calling a boffin? What do the public think scientists are like? And what do stereotypes matter anyway? Other: Anyone Wanna Blame The People In Charge?EpiphanyThe Internet Can't Kill College JournalismPeople Who Make Too Much…
It's Friday. Celebrate with some links. Science: Danger, Will Robinson? Safety in scientific field workWe are exposed to more viruses as we age. In other words, A VIRUS IS MAKIN MAH BABBY FAT! (I can't believe that neither the reviewers nor the authors thought to control for age)How to Take a Government-Approved Poop Other: The smart Dutch take on teen sex: Despite parents' allowing romantic sleepovers, the Netherlands has one of the lowest youth pregnancy rates It's Only Class Warfare When We Fight Back'The Town': Is Charlestown really America's 'bank robbery capital'?Left Ed: Closing the…
Thursday already? Oh well, links. Science: Amazing Sight in the South PacificBalancing scientific rigor versus patient good in clinical trialsIs page reading different from screen reading?Scientists investigating oil spill unsettled by calls from federal commission Other: Million Masturbator MarchA Terrifying SituationJackie at the crossroadsBarack Obama: The conservatives' liberal / The futility of neo-liberal identity politics (while on vacation, I had a similar realization: Obama, and his fellow progressive/neo-liberal travellers are just as dogmatic as Bush et alia, but their dogma isn…
Links are back! Science: Q&A: Antibiotic resistance: where does it come from and what can we do about it?Detecting natural selection: a pika's tale (nice post about molecular evolution)Bleach: Not a cure for obesity Other: The Rich Need Our Help - $$$ AddictionWith high-calorie dishes, restaurant chains put obesity on the menuHow Perry Mason Ruined America You're Rich. Get Over It.People who make $250,000 or more a year can afford a tax hike.
Links for you. Greenwashing - Is there really a sustainable Orange Roughy fishery?Transplanting Gut Microbes to Treat Disease: Scientists examine new ways to manipulate the microorganisms within us.Surviving antibiotics...Ocean of Pseudoscience: Sharks DO get cancer!Insect brains 'are source of antibiotics' to fight MRSA
Gut Yontif! Let's start the New Year, linky style. Science: Do School Lunches Plump Up Poor Kids?And the short answer is, no, we could not still put a man on the moonThe Myers-Briggs Personality Test: A critical look at the world's most popular psychological metric, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.Peer review is no picnic Other: Great comment on neoliberalismRollover Minutes: How Adam Penenberg Has Legitimised New, New, New Journalism. Again.Bank capital ratios and standing on tippy-toesHolding Wal-Mart Accountable: The road to unionized Wal-Mart runs through obscure towns where workers are…
How was your Recovery Summer? At least we don't have a shortage of links! Science: Fat and Health. (the best explanation of BMI I've read yet. My Inner Statistician is very happy: the second paragraph is brilliant)STUPIDITY 1, THE REST OF US 0Does it matter to your P.I. what you did this weekend?About My Job: The Scientist Other: SYLVESTER MATUSCHKASELF-PRESERVATION FAILMaking Social Security less generous isn't the answerA Pirate's Dare
Back to work, unless, like me you're on vacation. Still, I have links for you. Science: Ants work with acacia trees to prevent elephant damageFluoride in Water Prevents Adult Tooth Loss, Study Suggests (but does it make you more susceptible to alien mind rays?)Bella and TaraA complete summary (probably TMI) about my time at the human #microbiome meeting #HMP2010 Other: Labor Day Irony: The People Who Want to Cut Social Security All Have Great Retirement PlansSo... "School Professionals" Are Responsible for "Inputs?"Barack Obama is Not The Commander-in-Chief Of The United States (And Bush…
A beautiful day here. Why are you reading links? But if you are, I got some. Science: Light Rail and Obesity in one NC CityBut Science Doesn't Work That Way : Miller and Chomsky (1963)Viking Experiment May Have Found Life's Building Blocks on Mars After All Other: THE AGE OF MAMMONOutside View: PowerPoints 'R' UsThe Revenge of Main StreetShroomz!The crime war of JuarezPayroll Tax Holiday a Poor Stimulus Idea: "Making Work Pay" Credit a Better-Targeted Alternative
Links for you. Science: My E. coli brother's keeperA Message To The Sciency Elite: Step Out Of The Lab And Into The Real WorldWild chimps outwit human hunters Other: Why Paul Krugman Is Perhaps The Biggest Economic Optimist There IsMy Iraq War RetrospectiveBrother, Can You Paradigm?How Companies Turn People Against Unions Slow Boil
Links for you: Problems with the use of Student Test Scores to Evaluate TeachersLeft Ed: Arne Duncan Flunks Race to the TopFed admits: Money is a spreadsheetT-bagging at the Glenn Beck rally in DCWhat Can Obama Really Do?
Links for you. Science: Estimate Lowered of Typical Flu TollDon't Just Sit There! How bathroom posture affects your health. Other: Failure To RiseSMART POLICY, SMART POLITICS....The Confederate Party has always been about 'Honor'MOVEMENTS ARE ABOUT SOMETHING REAL....75 years of unqualified success
I'm hopefully in Atlanta by now, en route to St. Louis for Microbiome-y goodness. Links for you: God, I Need a Cup of Placebo CoffeeTiny, New, Pea-Sized Frog is Old World's SmallestOn the Luxury of 'Coming Out' When You Feel Like ItBuilding a Nation of Know-NothingsA long time ago, before death by PowerPointSilicon Valley's Dark Secret: It's All About Age (say what one will about unions, unionized workers don't get treated like this)FREDDIE MISHKIN DOES ICELAND: YOU'VE GOT TO TRUST THOSE CENTRAL BANKSLA's Value-Added KerfuffleStruggling Cities Shut Firehouses in Budget Crisis
Hotter than hell today. Stay inside and enjoy some refreshing links. Science: White Flight in Social Networks? A Story of Another Digital DivideCavemen Accused of Wiping Out Cave Bears ('cavemen' implies they weren't human. Bad title)Tricky margay wildcat mimics its prey Other: Identifying Cyclical vs. Structural Unemployment: A Guide for Slate Writers (hypothesis testing! In economics? Pinch me)Russia in color, a century agoSlow Violence and the BP CoverupsThe Return of The PiddlerDivided we stand...stock still
Sunny. Warm. Links. Science: Brief data analysis interludeWave of Rhabdomyolysis in Oregon High School Football PlayersDarwin wrong--again??Dude, where are my copy number variants? Other: PAC-Man Ate My BallotAn Infrastructure Perfect Storm: New York Trains Shut Down En MasseManaging The LA Times Teacher List FalloutLA Times Value-Added Release - Problems and Solutions
I'm excited about Glenn Beck's "I Have a Nightmare" Rally in DC this weekend (I'm sure my relatives in the area are not). Anyway, links. Science: What the Egg Recall Says About Our Food Safety System (a surveillance success and regulatory failure)Tara Parker-Pope and the New York Times Well Blog: Acupuncture woo takes overCheap PCR: new low cost machines challenge traditional designsGreening the Big Apple Other: PBR aka "Symbolic Solidarity"House Price ExpectationsThe Guns of August: Lowering the Flag on the American CenturyThe Strange World of Wall Street Journal Commenters (good examples…