
Today is the Purim parade at the Schenectady JCC, so all the kids needed costumes to wear. This isn't that easy, especially for a little girl (Babysaurus had a couple of different sets of boys pajamas that were superhero uniforms, but nothing equivalent for girls), and was complicated by the fact that SteelyKid had yet another cold this week (which she was bothered by for just long enough to get sent home from day care with a fever Wednesday, meaning I stayed home with her yesterday, which is always an adventure). One costume idea I had was to put her in fuzzy white pj's, and give her a set…
Look out, it's a Giant Monster Baby! OK, she's not really gigantic, but she does tower over Appa these days. And she's strong enough to lift Appa one-handed, while drinking juice with the other: That's really just about the perfect Appa-for-scale shot. For comparison, here is the very first Appa picture we took: Yikes. Finally, as a bonus, here's a cute picture of SteelyKid with a newspaper ad featuring a Boston terrier. She recognizes it as just like Gammy's dog, Truman: She does tend to refer to all dogs in pictures as "Booyyy," which is a better approximation of my parents' dog Bodie.…
SteelyKid has had a bit of a sore throat the last few days, which has led to a bit of screaming and crying. Those have been interspersed with her usual cute-toddler behavior, and we managed to squeeze in the traditional Baby Blogging photo: "Why is she waving around a Triscuit box?" you ask. Because she was cooking: This is the latest manifestation of the rich inner life of a toddler. She gets really absorbed in this little game where she takes small objects (rocks, fridge magnets, small toys) and places them carefully in some kind of container (a piece of tupperware, one of her stacking…
(A.k.a. "just under the wire Baby Blogging, because Kate forgot she took these pictures.") In which SteelyKid performs a magic trick: "Watch me make this pretzel disappear, Mom!" "Wait a minute . . . " "Hey! No photography! Now give me that camera and no-one will get hurt." And that's why there's no Appa picture today.
The message is: "I have a chair!" SteelyKid's new chair is a kid-sized black fake-leather armchair from Target. We originally set out looking for a kid-sized table and chair set that she could use to draw on, but the only ones on offer at Babysaurus were chintzy particle board things with Disney characters all over them, and we're trying to limit our consumption of both of those. The armchair is kind of silly, but she was too cute climbing in and out of it for me not to buy it. She's talking more and more these days, and has started to pick up adult hand gestures. Here she is explaining to…
Tonight was bath night, so here's a fresh and clean SteelyKid, showing off her pink penguin pajamas: I'm pretty beat tonight, so that's all I've got: cute baby, penguin PJ's. That ought to be enough for anyone, though.
... are welcome in the DogPhysics Pet Gallery. Even aquatic ones: We've currently got seventeen dogs, six cats, two horses, a lizard, and these fish. If you've got a pet, of whatever species, and a copy of How to Teach Physics to Your Dog, take a picture of the one with the other, and send it to, and we'll add it to the Gallery.
Here we see SteelyKid enjoying our post-day-care ritual: kickin' back, eatin' pretzels, and watching Pardon the Interruption: "LeBatard always ruins Odds Makers," she says. "He's silly..." There was some screaming and crying a little bit before this was taken, not that you can tell. Pretzels and juice fixed everything. May it always be that simple.
Kate here: Since Chad's out of town, you get Substitute Parent Blogging today. It's with my non-DSLR camera (and also taken very fast before she decided she wanted the camera more than what she had), it's with something other than Appa, and it's eloquent of "I miss Daddy and want to be just like him." I tried to tell her that Chad doesn't actually wear those gloves to play hoop, but she wasn't having any of it.
SteelyKid is seventeen months old today, and how does she celebrate? By scrubbing the floors in the mud room: Honest to God, she does this all on here own. I think it's driven by the same impulse as the tissue relay-- she'll grab a tissue or a paper towel, run into the mud room, and energetically mop up the bits of slush that Emmy and I track in after our walks. She'll do this happily, for an astonishingly long time. God only knows where she gets this from. It's not from me or Kate, that's for sure-- neither of us has ever happily scrubbed a floor... The traditional Appa shot below the fold…
SteelyKid says "You know what? Forget Appa-- take a picture of me next to Mommy:" "I'm half Mommy's height already!" And, if you think about it, that's a pretty good accomplishment for 2009. Happy New Year, everybody.
The DogPhysics Pet Gallery is up to seven dogs, but as yet nobody has sent in a picture of a non-dog pet learning physics from How to Teach Physics to Your Dog. Emmy thinks this is because other pets are dumb, but I think she's getting a little conceited. You can prove her wrong by sending in a picture of your non-dog pet (birds, ferrets, hedgehogs, fish-- even cats are welcome) posing with a copy of the book, like this photo of my parents' Yellow Lab Bodie: Send pictures to, and prove her wrong.
SteelyKid says "Look, Daddy! Somebody got me tissue paper!" "It's the best Christmas present ever!" Here's hoping you get everything you want this holiday season.
"Hey, dude, whatcha doin'?" "I'm making dinner." "Yeah? What are you guys having?" "Well, since the book was published today, we're having a couple of nice steaks to celebrate." "Just a couple?" "Hmm? What do you mean?" "Well, you might remember, I had something to do with the book..." "It'd be hard to forget." "So, I should get steak, too. Right?" "Why do you think your bowl is up on the counter?" "Oooooh! I get steak! Steaksteaksteaksteaksteak!" "Okay, I'm done. Can I have some more?"
How to Teach Physics to Your Dog is officially released tomorrow, because Tuesdays are New Book Days, but Amazon has been shipping them for a few days now, so it's very likely they are already appering "in the wild," as it were. So it seems like a good time to announce a new feature at The Pet Gallery, featuring photos of, well, pets with an interest in physics. And, more importantly, a copy of How to Teach Physics to Your Dog. The Gallery currently contains just two pictures of dogs-- John Scalzi's Kodi, and the official dog of the Digital Cuttlefish, shown…
It's Thursday again, and that means Baby Blogging. But first, SteelyKid has a message: "Thanks for the awesome rocking frog, Aunt Erin!" Of course, as with any toy at this age, the box is just as much fun: And, of course, the obligatory Appa picture, showing that she is an enormous baby: She's big enough to lift a bison!
I've been writing a bunch of publicity copy for the book the last few weeks, and one of those things is a list of reasons why every dog should know about quantum physics. I've been planning to chop that up into a bunch of individual blog posts in the run-up to the book, but the Washington Post beat me to (one of) the punch(es): Getting a digital camera for Christmas? Before you fire it up to capture Uncle Wally's fateful fifth trip to the punch bowl, take a moment to picture this: You've got a genuine scientific marvel in your mitts. In fact, it took nothing less than two Nobel prizes and a…
SteelyKid is a great big baby. By which I mean, she's large for her age. We keep running into other parents whose kids are about the same size as her, but a year or more older. Every now and then, though, she does something to remind us that she's still got a lot of growing to do, such as trying on my house slippers: For her sake, I hope those slippers never fit her...
SteelyKid was kind of overtired today, so she needed a little nap around dinnertime. This provided a nice opportunity to get a sleepy-baby picture for this week's Baby Blogging: Bonus Kate for extra "OMG! Huuuuuge Baby!!!1!" effect. She's wearing a way-cool roaring dinosaur shirt (purchased from the boys section, again...), but you can't really see it in any of the pictures I got tonight. We'll get it the next time she wears it, though. Unless she outgrows it first...
It's been a while since we had a sleeping-baby picture, so here's SteelyKid at bedtime last night: I swear I wasn't going for the Catherine Wheel album cover effect, but what can you do? SteelyKid and I are off to Boston today, where she'll be visiting her grandmother while I head up to Maine to give a colloquium talk at Bates. If you have any message for Susan Collins or Olympia Snowe, leave it in the comments, and I'll be sure to pass it along if I see them.