I dont know if I can think of anyone who gets everything wrong, so consistently. Okay, sure he gets the Creationism thing wrong. Whatevs. He also makes unwise financial decisions. Who doesnt, these days? No, get this, dude cant even pick a charity without fucking up! A charity to help stop puppy mills! HE FUCKS IT UP! 1. The 'rescuers' in this video might support HSUS, but they are not some super-special HSUS anti-puppy-mill swat team (despite the fact they are coated head-to-toe in HSUS paraphernalia, except for one lady in uniform). Those rescuers? Theyre normal animal control…
Since my last thread was such a hit*, Im dumping a collection of hysterical DANGEROUS DOG videos I have in my /lol/ folder. Via icanhascheezburger, Rottie vs Kitteh: BAP BAP BAP BAP! Pitbull vs Ferrets: 2 Pitbulls, 2 Kittehs: That last user has a video that never fails to cheer me up. I almost puke with laughter every time I see it. It also highlights the difficulties of accurately identifying breeds of DANGEROUS DOGS-- the owner of this pup calls her a pit. I dont think shes a pit. I think shes an American Bulldog. ??? Doesnt matter what her breed is-- her self-centered brothers are…
Us owners of 'dangerous dogs' flock together. Though pits are virtually always a target (if not the only target) of Breed Specific Legislation, owners of other breeds arent stupid. First theydo-nothing politicians who need an election platform come for the pits, to play on their rich white constituents inherent racism (lol whites dont own pits!). Then theythe same morons who dont understand risk assessment come for the Rotties. Then theyshrill half-retarded parents who left their babbies at home alone with their dog come for the German Shepherds and Huskies. Then theythe government is…
No, I dont mean 'sad puppies', I mean puppies with SAD, Seasonal Affective Disorder. Pretty sure Arnies got it. Normally Arnie is a very active puppy. Hes always destroying a Wubba, or stalking a housefly, or plotting ways to break into his food bin, or helping me cook in the kitchen, or standing in the windowsill telling The Dog with One Eyebrow to fuck off-- Hes a very busy dog. So when the apartment was quiet at 8 pm last night, I knew something was wrong. Quiet = Arnie found something particularly wonderful to eat/covet/destroy, and he thinks if hes REAL quiet, I wont notice This is…
Know whats easier than making sure your dog wears a collar or is micro-chipped? St. Anthonys Prayer!! My daughter and her family own three Shar-pei dogs: a mother, its son and a girl. The three dogs had never been past the front door, only in the backyard or in the house. Last summer, my son-in-law opened the front door, and Sake, the girl, shot out the door and bolted down the cul-de-sac to the open street and was quickly out of sight. My son-in-law ran to get the car to try to catch her, but she was gone. ... One evening, I had dinner with friends and told them what we were doing. One said…
Been quiet on ERV lately, cause Ive been puppah sitting again. This time, its a ~1 year old mutt (German Shepherd, Rottie, Boxer... ??). One week of this: Approximately 20 hours a day. LOL! These two have been having so much fun, Weenie Dog From Hell even decided to give this 'play' thing a try:
Howdy! Just want to point you all towards a Q&A I did with an animal blag, 'Paw Talk'! Theyve been doing these with lots of science bloggers, and the series has been pretty fun, so Im glad Ive been included! I also think its funny that both Ava and Conspiracy Skeptic picked the same piccie of Arnie to post lol! That is the cutest damn pic of him. Such a teddy bear, just want to squish his fuzzy puppy face :D
Ive been pet-sitting a friends weiner dog for about a week now. Nother 2 weeks to go. I wish I could have a reality TV show around to film Arnie and Alexs interactions, because they pretty much hate each other. Not in an 'IM GOING TO EAT YOU!' sort of way-- I can leave them alone together, and theyre fine. Its more like an 'Odd Couple' sort of way. And its hysterical. Both of them love walkies. Arnie gets so excited he stomps on Alex. Alex gets so excited she pulls her little cord leash all around Arnies legs so he trips. Arnie is a professional player. He always wants to play tug-of-war…
Wherever there is tragedy, you will find PETA picking at carcasses. Literally. With the debate between pro-choice and pro-life adherents rekindled following the shocking murder of abortion provider Dr. George Tiller at a Wichita church on Sunday, PETA plans to place two billboards in the city. One features the text "Pro-Life? Go Vegetarian" and the other reads, "Pro-Choice? Choose Vegetarian." The group hopes that the ads will help Wichita residents on both sides of the controversy find common ground in concern for the suffering of billions of living beings horrifically abused on factory…
I hate these fuckers. I hate them *so much*. via Mark CC
'Bad dog' is such a relative term. Arnie-man and I were in the backyard. One more potty-break for the night. Backyard at the apartment isnt enclosed all the way-- its only like 85% enclosed. Well, the Giagantic Scottie (I dunno the breed-- it looks like a Scottiedog, but almost as big as a Great Dane) Arnie has been wanting to play with FOR MONTHS ran by... without his owner. So Arnie scooted right by me, out the backyard, and started chasing Gigantic Scottie down the street. FUCK. So theyre chasing each other, Im chasing them screaming 'ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER YOU STOP THIS INSTANT!', and…
When I first got Arnie-man, first thing I did was watch all of the Dog Whisperer DVDs available at that time. Dude has a whole pack of pit bulls, I wanted his advice on how to raise a proper Arnie-man. Sure, Cesar Millan could just be some sort of gimmick, but I followed his advice as best as I could with Arnie-- Lots of exercise (5 miles a day, minimum), appropriate discipline (I tackled that boy the second he showed a hint of aggression towards another dog, dog aggression has never been a problem), and lots of attention and affection. While there is no doubt Arnie is a bull-headed dog,…
Please watch this clip, and count the number of times the word 'pitbull' is used: Embedded video from CNN Video Im sure you will be shocked to hear this, but the anti-science OK legislator Paul Wesselhoft is also violently against these family pets. I guess the ability to interpret scientific data is not his particular strong suit. H/T lowcountry dog blog
Jim Gorant, thank you. The dog approaches the outstretched hand. Her name is Sweet Jasmine, and she is 35 pounds of twitchy curiosity with a coat the color of fried chicken, a pink nose and brown eyes. She had spent a full 20 seconds studying this five-fingered offering before advancing. Now, as she moves forward, her tail points straight down, her butt is hunched toward the ground, her head is bowed, her ears pinned back. She stands at maybe three quarters of her height. She gets within a foot of the hand and stops. She licks her snout, a sign of nervousness, and looks up at the stranger,…
Carivintas Winery, along with Best Friends Animal Sanctuary (the folks looking after the pups Michael Vick tortured) have released a line of 'Vicktory Wine'-- Bottles of 'boutique' booze with 10% going to Best Friends. So if youre in the mood to blow $672 on a few cases of booze, why not have some of the profits go to some pups in need?
Sunday morning at 7 am, I had to take Arnie to the Puppy-ER. Hes been in the Puppy-ICU for the past 3 days. I havent slept/ate in the past 3 days. But I finally brought him home today... hes doin okay. I got him to eat a cherry Pop-Tart. He will be alright. I hope. *sigh*
Tonight at 10 pm EST, Animal Planet is running a special on the Michael Vick case, from the drug arrest that led to the discovery of the fighting ring, to what happened to the ~50 rescued dogs. I know there are lots of dog lovers who read ERV, so I wanted to give you all the heads up. I also suggest individuals with an irrational fear of pit bulls, or dogs in general watch, with the hope that viewing this program will save their respective souls. If you cant tune in, there are lots of great pics/videos/resources at the Animal Planet website. A couple groups have gotten to review the show…
The 'dog days' of summer are the hottest time of the year, and boy weve been dealing with that crap for the past couple of weeks. Its been miserable out-- getting so hot, it doesnt cool off outside until 6 am the next friggin morning. Ugh, and the 'dog days' of summer arent that fun for Arnie. 105 degree days are really hard on him-- hot air, hot sidewalk, sun beating down on the poor black pup... Outside time isnt fun time, so our normal run schedule is totally screwed up. Well for some reason we are getting a nice break with a couple random 75-85 degree days, which means BIG run days!…
Remember a couple months ago, when I freaked out at The Humane Society for speaking out against city animal shelters going no-kill? But then it turned out The Human Society wasnt really 'The Humane Society'? It was really 'The Humane Society of the United States', an animal liberation group like PETA and ALF, cannibalizing The Humane Societies reputation? Those goddamned bastards have done it again. I was reading a lovely article about the rehabilitation of Michael Vicks dogs, and half way through I see this asshole quoted: John Goodwin, a dogfighting expert with the Humane Society and a…