
...stop rapists over here. Because fighting them over there isn't working out so well. If DHS, which was supposed to protect us from terrorism, can go after intellectual property theft, certainly rape falls under its purview.
As reported in the May 2008 Journal of Ethology, researchers in the sub-antarctic Indian Ocean on Marion Island, recently observed some fascinating and disturbing behavior. A young adult Antarctic fur seal was witnessed forcing itself upon an adult king penguin for upwards of 45 minutes. While young adult fur seals are known for aggressive sexuality that sometimes spans species between pinnepeds, this is the first documented case of a seal "[bridging] the level of vertebrate class in their copulatory attempts." i.e. getting it on with a freakin penguin. The seal was first spotted subduing the…
...never fear, Jon Swift is on the case: Rusty Shackleford at The Jawa Report, Curt at Flopping Aces and former humor blogger Ace of Spades (who recently won the Weblog Award for Best Conservative blogger) are three of the most respected conservative bloggers in the blogosphere. They will stop at nothing to protect America from terrorists. If they gave medals for bravery in a war you are not actually fighting in, these guys would win hands down. And that's the nice part. Now go read the whole thing.
At this point, it still seems unclear what happened at VA Tech, and like all tragedies, there probably would have been, in hindsight, many places where someone could have intervened and stopped the madness. One area that needs to be examined is the role of campus disciplinary systems. Full disclosure: I've never been a fan of campus 'courts', ever since my days as an undergraduate, where cut-and-dry cases of rape (neither side really disputed what happened) were basically whitewashed, sometimes egregiously so (in one case, the rapist had to write a letter of apology and was suspended for a…
While one might think that would be pretty obvious, this article suggests otherwise. Whenever when there are discussions online about rape, particularly 'date rape', there is usually someone who implicitly or explicitly blames the victim. What has always puzzled me is the emphasis on the rape victim, instead of the rapist. No rapist that I've ever heard of ever slipped on a banana peel and 'accidentally' raped someone: the decision to rape is a conscious, deliberate act by the rapist. Here's the thing: I've lived long enough to accumulate some gray hair, and I've successfully managed…