Religious Extremism

Bob Jones III, the heir to and president of the loathsome Bob Jones University, has written a letter to President Bush congratulating him on his victory. And this letter, folks, is a real gem: In your re-election, God has graciously granted America--though she doesn't deserve it--a reprieve from the agenda of paganism. You have been given a mandate. We the people expect your voice to be like the clear and certain sound of a trumpet. Because you seek the Lord daily, we who know the Lord will follow that kind of voice eagerly... It is easy to rejoice today, because Christ has allowed you to be…
When I came across this article entitled "The 15 Deadly Lies that Christians Swallow", I just had to click on it. In a sane media outlet, those lies would include claims like Darwin's deathbed recantation, or the notion that the earth is only 6000 years old. But since we're dealing with the Worldnutdaily, one could hardly be surprised by two things. First, that this "article" is really just a sales pitch for a book that they profit from. Second, that it promotes the most extreme right-wing theocratic views imaginable. In this case, the views of Gary DeMar, described by WND as an "acclaimed…
As if on cue, the Worldnutdaily has provided a perfect example of what Bill Moyers was talking about in the quote I posted yesterday about Christian evangelicals viewing our foreign policy through the prism of end times eschatology. Amazing role of U.S., Israel, Iraq in Bible prophecy screams the headline. It links, predictably, to yet another one of their famous fake articles that is really an advertisement for some other book they're pimping. That book, it says, "breaks through the cluttered and often confusing information overload on this topic, presenting the Scriptures and current events…
Thanks to Brian Leiter for linking to this brilliant speech by Bill Moyers of PBS. It's a wide ranging speech covering a lot of ground and Brian is posting excerpts from it. This passage particularly caught my eye and it may well explain a lot of the motivation for what is going on right now.How do we explain the possibility that a close election in November could turn on several million good and decent citizens who believe in the Rapture Index? That's what I said--the Rapture Index; Google it and you will understand why the best-selling books in America today are the 12 volumes of the "Left…