
It's here. The first traveling participants are arriving tomorrow! Anywhere between 200 and 240 people are expected at any given time during the three days of the conference, with another 60+ people, regrettably, remaining on the waitlist even after some last-minute cancellations allowed us to invite a couple of dozen waitlisted folks. The waitlisted locals are welcome to add their names to extra events, e.g., meals or lab tours if there are empty slots remaining, just to meet the participants face-to-face if they want to. Those who will be here in person will get to meet each other in Real…
Science 2.0: New online tools may revolutionize research quotes Michael Nielsen, Eva Amsen, Corie Lok and Jean-Claude Bradley. Article is good but short. If you come to ScienceOnline'09 or participate virtually, you can get the longer story straight from them.
The weather prediction for this week is cold and clear to partly cloudy. If you are coming from Canada, you'll probably think that's warm, but for us here, this is very cold. At least, it appears at the moment, we will avoid snow unlike last year:
The Conference is pretty long this year, yet people need to eat! There will be free food and coffee at Sigma Xi on Saturday and Sunday for breakfast and lunch, as well as a wine-tasting and a cocktail party at the Friday Wise event (though, it is not a full meal - "The networking reception will consist primarily of desserts, wine, coffee, and some non-alcoholic beverages. So unless you want to have dessert for dinner, please make plans accordingly."). But, it is a free conference with limited funds, so for other meals you need to pay for yourself. That does not mean you are on your own,…