watts up with that

I don't myself visit Watts' blog unless someone points to something particularly funny or egregious, and the comment threads are so long and monotonous it is even rarer that I go there. That said, I am always grateful to others who have occasion to do that hard work and who come back out to highlight particularly mind-blowing examples of...of... of whatever it is that adequately describes what passes for dialogue over there.  So, many thanks to Holly Stick over at Rabett Run who points us to the Gray Monk at WUWT who writes: Actually the question is whether or not CO2 is the ‘evil game…
As Eli Rabbet is noting, Anthony Watts is really unraveling, even further than we noted here a couple of days ago.  So, I just have to post the video below, picked up from Denial Depot.  I swear, I am NOT calling Watts Hitler, not even a Nazi, it is just pretty funny!
Anthony Watts has guest post by Ferdinand Engelbeen (the guy Plimer plagiarised) explaining how we know that the increase in CO2 is not natural. Good on Watts for putting some accurate science on his blog. Mind you, the comments include folks like Richard Courtney arguing against it. Hat tip: TrueSceptic