x-ray crystallography

tags: A Quick Peek at X-ray Crystallography at the Diamond Light Source, X-ray Crystallography, Diamond Light Source, proteins, Synchrotron, Van Morrison, wavelength, streaming video This is a short video recorded on a trip to the Diamond Light Source by a group of Imperial College crystallographers. The video attempts to give a flavor of the strange things that they do to protein crystals when trying figure out the structures of the molecules within them. Music, "Wavelength", is by Van Morrison. X-ray crystallography is a technique for determining the precise arrangement of atoms within a…
My semester in MIT's course on Documenting Science Through Video and New Media has drawn to a close. I've had a wonderful time and learned a lot about how films and science are constructed by different people in different times for different reasons. Most of all I've learned about how challenging it can be to put together an interesting narrative and present a point of view while at the same time ensuring that the science being explained is honest and clear to everyone. I've recently gotten the chance to watch two great recent science documentaries outside of class, Naturally Obsessed and…
tags: x-ray crystallography, foot and mouth disease, research, viral research, streaming video Below the fold is an utterly fascinating video that documents the current state of the research in one lab that is developing a drug that stops foot and mouth disease virus from replicating in the host cells. Even better, this beautfully executed video was created by the lab members themselves! I can hardly wait for more scientists and labs to document their research in real-people accessible videos such as these [6:03] This lab has its own blog, so go there!