Three Hundred Easy Pieces

That last post was my 300th since I joined the ScienceBlogs community in August of 2006. I usually don't comment about my personal life but I must confess to a certain feeling of satisfaction on reaching the 300 mark, as I never thought I'd last this long. Since creating my alter ego over three years ago I have enjoyed setting him loose on the unsuspecting blogosphere. Coincidentally, over this same time period my practice has become much busier, not to mention my family plus my snooty dog who requires more attention than Marc Antony gave the Queen of the Nile. This makes it hard to find the time to write. I wish I knew how these über-bloggers spew out fifteen posts a day.

Anyway, I am grateful for the chance to inform and entertain my readers - all four of you (just kidding). I hope to continue on as long as it can be determined that I have something worthwhile to say, which according to the International Web Log Rating Guide is a characteristic found in 0.000000000000001 % of all extant blogs.

Just kidding. Or am I?

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