Worth reading: Inaction in the face of mass shootings and fixing a broken mental health system

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Barack Hussein Obama on the Orlando gay night club massacre:
“Say a prayer for them and say a prayer for their families — that God give them the strength to bear the unbearable. And that He give us all the strength to be there for them, and the strength and courage to CHANGE.”

Change what, I’m not sure.
But apparently he thinks this massacre is due to Americans, and so, us Americans need to change.

By See Noevo (not verified) on 13 Jun 2016 #permalink

SN: The shooter was an American. The gun dealer who sold the shooter the guy is an American. Most (if not all) of the patrons of the club were Americans. The gun was designed by Americans.

I'm pretty sure this is an American problem. And as Americans, we solve our own problems. Or did you want France to solve this one for us?

By JustaTech (not verified) on 13 Jun 2016 #permalink

The NPR piece on brain trauma was really interesting, and a great example of how even the most entrenched system (the military) can be convinced of new ideas with enough evidence.

By JustaTech (not verified) on 13 Jun 2016 #permalink

To Justa Tech #2:

“SN: The shooter was an American.
The gun dealer who sold the shooter the guy is an American. Most (if not all) of the patrons of the club were Americans. The gun was designed by Americans.
I’m pretty sure this is an American problem.
And as Americans, we solve our own problems. Or did you want France to solve this one for us?”

I see.
So, in saying we need to change, Barack Hussein Obama meant
Americans should not shoot guns,
American gun dealers should not sell guns to Americans,
Americans should not go to clubs, especially gay clubs, and become targets of American shooters,
Americans should not design guns.

You could be right. It wouldn’t surprise me if that’s what the president meant.

By See Noevo (not verified) on 13 Jun 2016 #permalink

sn, you worthless little liar, nobody is going to link to breitbart and get a virus on their machine just to read racist rants you agree with.

But: given that everyone involved was American, how is this not an American issue? (We know you won't answer, because you don't have the ability to make a logical argument, and because you always prefer blaming members of minorities, women, people of the wrong faith, etc., for their ills.)

SN: Uh, duh the President is saying that Americans should stop shooting each other. It's sad that he has to say it, since it's pretty darn obvious. To everyone except you, apparently.
In fact, I think there might even be a commandment about not murdering? You would know, since you have declared yourself the expert on morality.

Dean: I wish I could say I was surprised. But SN doesn't have a lot of range, so it's hard to surprise me at this point.

Liz Borkowski and the other authors of The Pump Handle: If at any point you would like for me to stop engaging this troll, please let me know and I will stop immediately.

By JustaTech (not verified) on 14 Jun 2016 #permalink

The brain trauma piece was interesting, and failing to adequately screen for brain injuries initially can result in them winding up in some very odd places indeed.

I had a student in a math class, and one day I asked him to see me privately, and I said, "Look, you had the prerequisite knowledge coming in, I can see you're putting in the time and effort, but you just aren't learning. Is it possible you have a learning problem or barrier of some kind?"

And he told me he was an injured combat veteran, and still active duty military. And then he went back to the hospital and demanded a more detailed evaluation, and got one, which, he said, didn't make his CO very happy, but at least he finally got vindication and some help for his brain injury.

By Young CC Prof (not verified) on 16 Jun 2016 #permalink

Young CC Prof: I'm glad you caught that! Some profs, if they did notice, would assume drinking/drugs.

By JustaTech (not verified) on 16 Jun 2016 #permalink

Bravo Young CC Prof, especially as your question seems to be a bit risky ("Is it possible ...")

We're told not to ask questions of that sort, so we must rely on any such student being forthcoming about their need for assistance and/or accommodations. As your situation demonstrates, they may not come to use with the evidence they need.

"sn, you worthless little liar, nobody is going to link to breitbart and get a virus on their machine"

dean, you worthless little liar, there's no viruses there. But that's leftist logic for you: "I hate what a website says, therefore there MUST be a virus on it!" Going to get a lot of laughs out of that one on Facebook! :)