South India's Thaleevuru in Robot movie


If you aren't a Tamil, you probably didn't get the title. i09's got a post about a Indian sci-fi movie along with a ravishing image of Thaleevuru (a.k.a Rajnikanth, a extremely popular tamil movie star. Thaleevuru is a Tamil slang for Da Man, which is a slang for...never mind). The movie to be made in Hindi will be directed by Shankar, a popular director hailing from Chennai. The movie would probably do well if it comes out, as Shankar is a good kalyana samayalkaran (another Tamil slang for someone who satisfies everyone's tastes). I wouldn't expect any real science, though. There has been attempts at sci-fi before in India: incredible and impossible technologies of the future co-opted to deliver masala on a flying saucer, so to speak.

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