While I'm Away, Maybe You'd Like To Play...

...with Donors Choose?

Hello, Zuskateers! I'm setting off today to go spend time with mom, who is in the hospital again. I don't know how long I'll be there, which means I don't know when I'll be getting back to blogging. If I have time while I'm there I'll try to get in a short post or two but it seems unlikely. If you comment on something and it gets lost in moderation, please be patient; I will try to check every so often to make sure someone's pearls of wisdom did not get caught up in the spam filter.

In the meantime, while I am gone, maybe you would like to consider supporting the ongoing Donors Choose fund drive we ScienceBloggers have going on this month. There are prizes involved! See this post for information. You can see information about my challenge on the left sidebar, with links to take you directly to my challenge site, should you be feeling like parting with your cash. All the projects I selected came from high poverty schools. These teachers and kids could really benefit from your help, even if you only have $5 or $10 to spare. Thanks for considering supporting this worthy cause, and I hope to see you back here soon.

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Last day of Donor's Choose!
I really hope there were a bunch of people like me who donated early and then were waiting on next month's paycheck to donate again. Want microscopes for kids!

I hope your mom's ok. And that you are.

By Luna_the_cat (not verified) on 01 Nov 2008 #permalink