Alan Alda, actor, talks about communicating science.

Alan Alda, award-winning actor and visiting professor at the Center for Communicating Science at Stony Brook University, talks about his experiences with communicating science to the general public. Looking to close the gap between the scientific community and the public, Mr. Alda discusses what needs to be improved, and how science can be better understood.

hat tip to (@DocCamiRyan)

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Brilliant, thanks so much for sharing.

By Michelle B (not verified) on 29 Apr 2011 #permalink

See link:

Correction: Apparently, he is visiting professor at the faculty of School of Journalism at Stony Brook University, and works with the Center for Communicating Science at Stony Brook University.
When I checked out the web site for the university, and clicked on the "Centers" link, I could not find "Center for Communicating Science" :-(
A recent name change? A bug at the web site?

By Birger Johansson (not verified) on 30 Apr 2011 #permalink

GeçtiÄimiz hafta deplasmanda EskiÅehirspor ile golsüz berabere kalarak averajla liderliÄi Fenerbahçeâye kaptıran Trabzonspor, Gaziantepsporâu maÄlup edip Fenerbahçeânin puan kaybetmesini bekleyecek. Avni Akerâde oynanacak müsabaka saat 19.00âda baÅlayacak. KarÅılaÅmayı Cüneyt Ãakır yönetecek. Bu arada Trabzonspor ile Gaziantepspor,bu akÅam yapacakları karÅılaÅmayla birlikte ligde 50. kez karÅı karÅıya gelecekler.

I need to communicate with Alan Alda.I have a suggestion for a great movie that he, and many more,as well as I, would benefit. He could use my email,anytime. Thank you. God bless.Yolanda