
i-884eb5fc5ab25b1446721361549e13dd-shelley icon.JPG
Pepper has brought to my attention a noteworthy event. This is the first LOLAfricanGrey I've seen on the front page of ICanHasCheezburger!



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Hah, that's great :) Pepper's in some trouble!

Good catch! I also noticed that Pepper

He spends his time learning Mandarin and writing the Great American novel.

Unfortunately, my CAG Kianga is not nearly as accomplished, since she seems to spend most of her time on the bottom of her cage, digging or hiding under papers, periodically exclaiming "woot!" and laughing at appropriate moments along with NPR commentators.

One more comment. The photo makes me think of my TAG Kelele. My other greys simply ask for head scratches, but Kelele is still pretty wild (imported before the WBCA) and we simply haven't forced ourselves on him. So we see him taking discarded primaries like this, and using the shaft ends to try to scratch the parts of his head he can't reach with his beak. It is very endearing. He watches us scratch the others, and looks interested, but he simply cannot bring himself (yet) to let us get that close. On the other hand, sometimes he comes up behind us and taps us on the shoulders to get our attention.

One of these days I'm going to sneak up on him and get a few scratches in before he realizes I've touched him, then maybe he'll realize the hand isn't trying to hurt him. He will take food from us, but otherwise is pretty careful about hands approaching. I think his capture and import must have been a pretty traumatic experience. When we first got him (from a breeder who got him from the quarantine facility), all he did was growl at us, which is why we named him Kelele (a Swahili word which means to raise your voice, to sing or in uproar). He rarely growls now, and he never bites. He actually is a sweet bird, very social, just wary of hands!