Help science by celebrating with the USA Science and Engineering Festival and COPUS

Thanks COPUS for helping us get the word out about the Science festival! Read the full article here.

Help science by celebrating with the USA Science and Engineering Festival and COPUS

Four easy options to help bring science to center stage this October!!

1. Connect your local activities to the festival -- no matter how big or small

The impact of many organizations working together is much greater than an individual effort... and easier! COPUS encourages organizations and individuals to coordinate activities in their community with the USASEF -- no matter how big or small. IT IS NOT TOO LATE TO REGISTER YOUR SATELLITE EVENT. If your museum, organization, troop, team, group, school, or family is doing something awesome to celebrate science on October 23rd or 24th then register your activity as a satellite event now! If you are reluctant to go it alone, contact the satellite event host in your area and volunteer to help!

2. Join COPUS and the USASEF at the informal festival mixer on October 23, 2010.

So, imagine it: you are an exhibitor at the USA Festival and you have just survived your first day among the throngs of enthusiastic people in Washington DC who have come to enjoy science with you. You are wiped out, but totally charged up about how much fun the day has been. Months of planning have come to this, and you are ready to let loose, share stories, and celebrate the awesomeness of the festival day.

Join COPUS and the USASEF at the Holiday Inn to unwind after the day. The first 100 individuals will receive a free drink ticket from COPUS!
Here are the official details:
Join us for an informal get together Saturday evening 6-8:30pm:
Holiday Inn Capitol Bistro
550 C St SW
Washington DC 20024 (202) 479-4000
Dinner is off the buffet and is $18.95 per person
Let us know if you are coming, so we can get a rough head count: fill out this brief online form:

3. So you will not be in DC and you won't be hosting a sattelite event. We still need your help.

Read this blog post by festival director Larry Bock about why this festival is important for science and our country and help spread the word about the festival events -- in DC and in communities across the USA.

4. Do you host a Citizen Science project? This entry is for you!
Science For Citizens, in collaboration with the USA Science and Engineering Festival, the Coalition for the Public Understanding of Science (COPUS), and Science House, will have a major presence at the Festival playing host to numerous hands-on, citizen science activities. Visitors at the Sci4Cits exhibit will have the opportunity to sort galaxies, test water quality, identify birds and fireflies, and participate in honest-to-goodness scientific research.

Sci4Cits is now accepting applications from interested citizen science project leaders who wish to participate in this first-of-its-kind expo by demonstrating activities with thousands of festival goers-turned-scientists. If you are a citizen science practitioner and would like to participate in the Sci4Cits exhibit, please contact If you do not run a citizen science project, but would like to volunteer to help demonstrate one or more, that's great, too! Just complete the contact information and make a note of your interest by sending an email here with any questions or comments. Thank you!

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