Joint Sponsors Return: C&EN and the American Chemical Society

Two well-respected members of the science community-C&EN and the American Chemical Society (ACS) -have made commitments once again to participate as media partner and exhibitor/sponsor, respectively, in the USA Science & Engineering Festival. The Festival will be held for the second time on April 27-29 in Washington, D.C.

i-d4bea49b4a1058531863542508114fd5-c&en.jpgC&EN, the flagship weekly newsmagazine published by ACS, will help convey information about the festival nationally and internationally through both its print and online editions. With 163,000 primary member subscribers worldwide together with pass-along and online readership, C&EN is seen by approximately 300,000 readers.

C&EN Editor-in-Chief Rudy Baum says that "C&EN, in its commitment to advancing all aspects of chemistry, also sees a tremendous role to play in public outreach to engage students, teachers, and others in the wonders of science and engineering. This is why we are delighted to be returning as a festival media partner."

Elise Swinehart, C&EN's assistant director of marketing and exhibits, echoes his sentiments: "As we increase our publication's reach and visibility in the science and chemical community, we, together with the ACS, are heightening our involvement in supporting outreach from K through 12 to grad school. In fact," she adds, "many readers are actually educators and teachers at the high school and college levels."
ACS itself is planning exciting hands-on exhibits and activities, some of which will coincide with "Chemists Celebrate Earth Day" - showing how chemistry is at the forefront of "green" endeavors impacting the environment, according to Kevin McCue, assistant director of the ACS Education Division."The festival is one of the most exciting outreach experiences I've ever participated in," says McCue, "and we at ACS look forward to returning."

Also returning to represent ACS at this year's festival is Diane Bunce, a professor and education researcher with the Catholic University of America. Bunce is a member of the "Nifty Fifty (times 2)," which is a group of 100 noted science and engineering professionals who will fan out across the Washington, D.C., area in the 2011-12 school year to speak about their work and careers at various middle and high schools.

Last but not least, representatives of ACS's Washington, D.C., local section; students from university chapters and chemistry clubs; and the ACS Mole (the society's mascot) will return to help festival-goers understand how chemistry impacts our daily lives.

According to Madeleine Jacobs, ACS executive director and chief executive officer, "ACS is really delighted to be returning to the Festival. We were so pleased with the thousands of people who came by our booth to learn about how chemistry and chemists will help solve our world's most challenging issues - ensuring abundant food supplies and clean water, addressing disease and promoting public health and finding new energy sources and addressing climate change. We are looking forward to the Festival and to involving our members once again in this exciting outreach opportunity."


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