Lawrence Krauss Endorses Barack Obama

The latest video in the Seed, SEA Action Fund, AVoteForScience YouTube challenge is by Dr. Lawrence Krauss of Arizona State University. He explains clearly that his view is partially colored by the last 8 years where science has been kicked around pretty badly and clearly spells out why he is supporting Obama rather than McCain. Again, any scientists supporting McCain, speak now. Simple instructions for uploading your videos can be found HERE and our YouTube channel can be found HERE.

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I met Lawrence recently and he responded to a comment of mine about the Republican War on Science, Chris Mooney's book. It's not a partisan problem, he said - Democrats do it too. I agreed, but said that Chris had documented systemic misbehaviour by the Republican Party as an antiscience agenda. He agreed later in provate. I am very pleased to see him make this public statement. Sure Democrats are not inherently more sciency than Republicans, but they at least will defer to expert opinion more often.