Results for State Ballot Measures on Science [A Vote For Science]

SEA has put together a list of state ballot measures that involved science including info on what the end result was. The list can be found here and below. It was particularly interesting that Colorado rejected an amendment to the state constitution that defined "the moment in which an egg becomes an established "person."" Also heartening was the passing of the Minnesota constitutional amendment to "allocate funding for protecting Minnesota's water sources, environment, cultural heritage through an increased sales and use tax rate."

California, Proposition 7 By 2010, government-owned utilities must generate 20% of their electricity from renewable energy. By 2020, all utilities must be to levels of 40% and 50% by 2025. Californians for Solar and Clean Energy Californians Against Another Clostly Energy Scheme Did not pass. California, Proposition 10 To assist people in purchasing certain vehicles and to fund research in alternative fuel and renewable energy, $5 billion in bonds from California's General Fund would be allocated Coalition for Energy Independence: Yes on Prop 10 Consumer Federation of California Did not pass. Colorado - Amendment 48 An amendment to define the moment in which an egg becomes an established "person." Colorado for Equal Rights Protect Families, Protect Choice Did not pass. Georgia - Amendment 1 An amendment to advance preservation programs for the forests of Georgia through a reduction of property taxes on certain pieces of land. The Georgia Conservancy Georgia School Boards Association Passed. Michigan - Proposal 08-2 A proposal to expand embryonic stem cell research, with certain limitations on which embryos are appropriate for use. Stem Cell Research Ballot Question Committee Michigan Citizens Against Unrestricted Science and Experimentation Passed. Minnesota - Constitutional Amendment 1 An amendment to allocate funding for protecting Minnesota's water sources, environment, cultural heritage through an increased sales and use tax rate. Yes for Minnesota Taxpayers League of Minnesota Passed. Missouri - Propostion C A proposition which would require investor-owned electric utilities to use renewable sources of electricity to a level of at least 2% of retail sales by 2011 and 15% by 2021. Missourians for Cleaner Cheaper Energy Passed.

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