BMI TMI weekly update

I've been putting this off. Today I'm 203.5#. I feel into some bad habits this week.

I've found that routine is my friend. I have a few choices for breakfast at home, a few lunch and dinner choices at the hospital, and a few evening snack choices at home, all of which support my diet.

We had a very stressful week at Casa Pal, mostly due to friends' illnesses, and while I didn't "stress eat" as much as I might have (the donuts don't count, honey), I was thrown off my routine.

But I'm back on track and we'll see how things go.


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Should you really be weighing yourself every day though? I know it's good blog fodder but nobody in the obesity treatment area really recommends doing it every day. It just get's you down on yourself.

By antipodean (not verified) on 30 Sep 2009 #permalink

Wednesday is my weigh in day.

Oops. Reading comprehension FAIL award for me.

Still. Good advice for others even if incorrectly applied here...

By antipodean (not verified) on 30 Sep 2009 #permalink

"Should you really be weighing yourself every day though? I know it's good blog fodder but nobody in the obesity treatment area really recommends doing it every day. It just get's you down on yourself."

No, I weight myself every day. But I expect that the results are noisy and you can't expect monotonic weight decrease, so I use them to draw trendlines using weighted mean with sliding 10 days window.

That gives more accurate results than weekly weighting.

There's a great book about it:

By Alex Besogonov (not verified) on 01 Oct 2009 #permalink

I agree w/ Alex. I like to weigh myself a few times a week because I'm a geek and I like to get as many data points as I can, recognizing that the accumulated data set will foster greater accuracy. That said, this should not be an excuse for obsessing unduly over one's weight on a day-to-day basis.