Georgia Aquarium = Badassity

I was lucky enough to find myself in Atlanta this weekend and made a trip to the one year old Georgia Aquarium. The animals and exhibits were spectacular. The Georgia Aquarium is one of only four in the world with whale sharks and the only one outside of Asia.

The aquarium has the distinct advantage of being brand new, some of the enclosures seemed a bit small and it lacked the ubiquitous dolphin Vaudeville show, but it blows all other aquariums I have been to out of the water.

Whale Shark (Rhincodon typus) - Pictures don't do these guys justice. There were three of them, each 15-25 feet. Spectacular. I call the big one "Bite-y!"

A herd of Cownose Rays (Rhinoptera bonasus)

Southern Sea Otter (Enhydra lutris) - Picture taken moments before our friend crushed Billus like a clam on his tummy!

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tags: Close Encounter with a Whale Shark in the Gulf of Mexico, marine biology, field research, research, technology, whale shark, Rhincodon typus, satellite tags, Gulf of Mexico, BP, Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, University of Southern Mississippi, streaming video Whale Shark, Rhincodon typus…
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