"Researchers" to Test Musical Taste of Birds

Finally, New Jersey tax payers are investing time and money to discern birds' preference in popular music. Elizabeth Demaray and John Walsh at Rutgers University are conducting an exhibition, featuring four ten-foot tall red perches. On each perch a different style of music will be played on repeat: classical, rock, country and jazz. The songs will include Vivaldi's Concert in D Major', Miles Davis's 'Blue and Green', Led Zepplin's 'Kasmir', 'Marching Jaybird' by Etta Baker, 'Birds' by Neil Young, and 'I'm a Cuckoo' by Belle and Sebastian. The intrepid researchers will then record the behavior of the birds who land on the perches to see how they react to the different musical styles.

Demaray's experiment is not the first of its kind...

"My interest with the piece was to get us to think about the impact we have on the other species around us," Demaray said in DailyIndia.com.

Ok, ok, ok, in Demaray's defense she is not a researcher at all, but a Associate Professor of Fine Arts...but still.

Previous exhibitions of hers include constructing "alternative forms of housing" for hermit crabs. (Nope, not kidding).

Her next exhibition? Polling squirrels in Maryland to find out whom they would elect in the next presidential election. Our money is on Mitt Romney.

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